It’s FREE PDF Friday and time to share my latest PDF tutorials. You can click the link below each photo to view the details (save or print).
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Those who purchase the starter kit and join have the opportunity to see and pre-order (with their discount) NEW products a month before they are available to customers. Ordering before the customer launch means you get to play with new products first with less chance of a favorite product running out!
To see ALL 10 reasons why it’s a great time to purchase the starter kit through me, click here.
COOL THING! Add 2nd Release Sale-A-Bration Products to your $99 Starter Kit NOW (look for “New Sale-A-Bration Preorder” on the far right when building your kit (see below) or pre-order them with your discount once you join! Customers won’t be able to EARN them until March 3rd, 2020!
I love hearing from you! Please leave me your questions or comments about the project for today.

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- Click for my Monthly Host Code and how you can earn up to a $50 shopping spree with my Tulip Rewards Loyalty Program.
- Check out the clearance rack and save up to 70%.
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- The $99 Starter Kit is the best deal of ALL! Discounts & benefits here.
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- View my FREE PDF Project Tutorials.
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My project supply list. Click products to shop on-line!