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A Tribute to Mozart


Shapeimage_2 Today's post is a sentimental journey for me.  I made this card several years ago for our beloved cat, Mozart.  We sadly witnessed our "big boy" battle a host of health issues and dwindle to 5 pounds over the last few months.  He passed away yesterday.

He has been a loyal and dear friend (a best buddy to our pug, Isabel) since we got him eleven years ago from the humane society.  At the time, he was an "unwanted" stray, approx. 7 years old who immediately needed 9 teeth pulled.  His paperwork indicated he only had 1 day left before being euthanized. My family, who had been looking for a cat for several months, selected him over a huge litter of kittens.  We felt there was something special about him from our first introduction. 

They say that animals who get a second chance make extraordinary pets and he was no exception.  What a gift he was to the Fish family.  I'm so glad we could spoil him in return.  Mozart died in dignity and surrounded by love.  I'm going to miss his undeniable sweetness and the sound of his little bell.


  • Simple Saturday promises another quick and easy card using the Sale-A-Bration Bliss stamp set.
  • Sunday will feature Sandie Conner, one of my Stampin' Pretty Pals, as a Guest Stamper.  Be prepared to say "amazing!"

 Black signature ivory


explore some more!

176 thoughts on “A Tribute to Mozart”

  1. I totally understand your pain. I just lost my big orange cat, Dylan. He died in my arms on February 2, 2011. I had him since he was six weeks old, he would have been 13 years-old this July. My thought are with you and your family. I’m so glad that you have found another little furry friend to love and spoil.

  2. Oh, Mary. I feel your pain. My vet did not examine my 15.5 year-old cat’s mouth even though she was in and out of there since the beginning of December. A cardiologist at UW-Madison opened her mouth and found the squamous cell carcinoma that made me to let her go just the day before you lost Mozart. I’m still sad and will be for a long time.

  3. My heart hurts just reading this, Mary. My deepest sympathies for you and your family.

  4. Mary, I’m so late in seeing this post. Somehow I missed it on my emails. I’m so sorry about Mozart! We put our dog down last November, and I know how our pets are part of our family! Thinking of you and your family. Love, Patti

  5. Sorry to read about your kitty. He was a beloved member of your family, and how wonderful that you gave him a second chance to make a difference….hugs to you

  6. Sorry to hear about your loss. Mozart sounds like our dog Maddy, who we spoil and love dearly. Maddy too came from the Humane Society. I truly believe your comment about animals that get a 2nd chance. Thanks for sharing your news.

  7. Losing a pet is like losing a family member. I am feeling your sorrow because I too lost a dog. Mozart will always be a part of your good memories.

  8. Hugs to you and your family Mary in this sad time. Our 4 legged family members leave paw-prints on our hearts that never fade away. Hugs & Prayers – Michelle

  9. I am so sorry to read of the loss of your precious Mozart. He was obviously incredibly special to you, as I am sure you were to him as well.

  10. Mary, your tribute to Mozart brought tears to my eyes. Anyone who had lost a beloved pet understands and shares your grief. How lucky he was to have such a loving family.

  11. So sorry about Mozart! There is something about tabby colored cats though. I had a cat that looks just like Mozart – she was 14 and getting frail, when she just took off one day and never came back. I remember her last look when she went out the door – that look haunts me to today. It was her way of saying ‘good-bye’. She’s been gone 7 years now, and not a day passes that I don’t think of her. Her picture stands on my computer table and bookshelf, and at every family gathering she is never forgotten. The pain lessens, the memories never fade. Take care.

  12. My DEEPEST sympathy in the loss of your beloved ‘Mozart’…he looked like he could be quite the character..hahaha

    We have a cat that looks very much! like Mozart and I know that because he’s getting older (he’s 11 yrs) that sadly one day we face losing him…can’t bear the thought though.

    Please know others are thinking of you, and I hope that in some SMALL way this will help you and your family at this difficult time.

    SO SORRY!!!

  13. Hi Mary,
    I am so sorry about your loss. I am the “Mom” of two orange striped boys, and 4 assorted girl cats as well. All were “rescued.”I do not know what I would do without them. I just love them all.

    I really love your card today. I am going to have to spend some more money so I can get “bliss.” You have convinced me!!!

  14. Mary,
    Please accept my deepest sympathy on the loss of your beloved cat, Mozart. I believe that at some point, we will be reunited with all the people we love, including our beloved pets. You and Mozart will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. Dear Mary,
    I extend my deepest sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your beloved Mozart. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

  16. Hugs to you and your family. The loss of family pet can be so overwhelming. Mozart looked like a very handsome and I’m sure comical character. I hope in time as the sense of loss lessens, that you remember all the wonderful ways he made you smile. He will always be with you in spirit!

  17. My heart is breaking for you. The love of a animal is one of the purest loves there is. I’m so happy he found the Fish family and I know the Fish family was glad he found them.
    Thinking of you!

  18. So Sorry! Mozart was SO PRETTY! We also have a pet we dearly love! So we understand you love for your pet! Take Care!

  19. I’m so sorry too about your very special pet. We recently lost our African Grey parrot we’d had for 17 years. He talked to me intelligently and was like another person in the house; we had so much interaction. I can’t say how we mourned his death… so I can understand how you felt to lose Mozart.

  20. Mary,
    So sorry to hear of Mozart’s passing. I know you will cherish the memories you have and they will give you comfort.

    Take Care,
    Amy Papale

  21. I’m deeply sorry to hear about the loss of a family member. They are not just our pets but a big part of our family and our lives. They love you unconditionally and are loyal to you. And they let you know that their world is better because you are there. Little do they realize how special they make our world and lives so much better. We still miss our little ones, Pasha & Caitlyn and often laugh at the silly things they did — especially when we needed to laugh. My heart goes out to you. I’m sending you a virtual hug.

  22. Mary,

    I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I am touched to hear how you rescued him only one day before his chances for a wonderful life would have ended. Thank you for “adopting” a cat into your home. I say “adopting” b/c even though I think of myself as the one who adopted my cats, they’ve adopted me and everything I think I own! I love your tribute card to Mozart. Since I still have those papers and supplies, I just might have to make some of my own! Best wishes, and you’ll be in my thoughts.

  23. Mary,
    I know the feeling of loss for your beloved Mozart. Our first four legged baby was a seal point siamese that was part of our family for 17 years. Her sister a cocker spaniel mix passed a year earlier. It was so much fun to see both a dog & cat take on characteristics of each other! Memories of both of them are always in my thoughts.
    Our cocker mix actually passed away the day I received my SU box when I started with the company 6 years ago.
    The un-conditional love our four legged children bring to us stays with us always even through the tough times in our lives.
    I am now in the process of divorce & recovering from health issues. I don’t know what I would do without my 2 beloved 5 year old boys Beau & Brutus. They are french bulldog/boston terrier mix & are so much fun! They are such a comfort at all times!
    Keep those memories in your heart & know that Mozart gave so much to your family & you gave so much to him by giving him a second chance at life!!!!
    I was going to quote the Rainbow poem since I have it as well, it is very comforting.
    Hold onto your memories & love for Mozart & know that he will always have a special place in your heart!

  24. Oh my!!! I am so sorry to hear of your loss!!! Mozart. I love that name and what an adorable boy he was. My prayers are with you and your family!!! This is so hard to go thru. My heart is heavy for you. We got Yogi thru a shelter too and he was a year old. He gave us the world thru his love and antics. Hugs, Prayers and Love, Carla

  25. Oh Mary, so sorry to hear about Mozart! May you find comfort in all the wonderful memories of him!

  26. So sorry, Mary. You show great respect by writing what you have about Mozart. Our pets are such a big part of our family. Glad you were able to give him such a loving home for so long. Jill

  27. I am so sorry to hear your news. We just lost our Mickey. We had her for 15 years and miss her greatly. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  28. As a mom of three cats, my heart goes out to you. I know Mozart will live long in your thoughts and memories. ((HUGS))

    “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. ” ~Anatole France

  29. Oh Mary! My heart just breaks to hear of this. My big boy, Uma, did the very same thing 15 years ago and I feel that pain that you are going through. Your card is an extention of your love and caring. What a great tribute.

  30. Mary, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved cat. My cat “Youie” looks just like him. Cherish the memories he gave you, and may that comfort you now. We are never ever ready to say goodbye to anyone we love. My prayers are with you.

    Babe O’Mara

  31. To Dear Miss Mary and family-
    As so many others have, I wish to extend to you my heartfelt sorrow for you in losing a beloved member of the family.
    Love, peace and blessings to you all.

  32. I’m so sorry about the loss of your special little friend. We too adopted a senior cat and he was the best pet we’ve ever had. Take Care.

  33. Mary, so sorry for the loss of Mozart, for those of us that have had furry kids as part of our family know that these times are tough, but all those beautiful & happy moments u had together will live forever in your heart & u will smile when u think of them, furbabies are wonderful!

  34. Oh such a sweet tribute to a great friend! How wonderful you all found one another and you were able to give wonderful Mozart the comfort of a loving family. In return he shared his love, I have no doubt by the way you speak of him. My heartfelt sympathy at the loss of a great friend. Thank you for sharing your loss and at the same time inspiring others seeking pets to go to shelters, the Humane Society or the “pound” to find a perfectly wonderful companion.

  35. Fish Family, sorry about the loss of your beloved Mozart. Hugs from a Cali. friend..

  36. So sorry for your loss. I had to put down three dogs within three months of each other that we had for almost 15 years. Now I too have two new rescue dogs and they don’t replace, but fill a void and have given me someone new to love.


  37. Mary,
    I’m so sorry to hear about Mozart. My heart goes out to you and your family at this difficult time. He was a beautiful cat, and I’m sure he was well loved! You’re in my thoughts & prayers.

  38. So sorry to hear of your loss of Mozart. I miss my Gizmo all the time and I know Mozart will always be in your heart.

  39. Oh Mary, I am so sorry. I know too well the pain of losing a furry family member. They’re only with us for such a short time but leave such an imprint on our hearts. My thoughts are with you. {{hugs}}

  40. Mary, I’m so sorry about your precious kitty. He was very handsome and I know you will miss him. Let your wonderful memories help heal your heart. A snuffle from Miss Isabel will help also. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time. Pets leave paw prints in our hearts!

  41. Mary,

    So sorry for the loss of Mozart. We, too, have a rescue cat and hands-down he is the sweetest pet we’ve ever had in our home! I know Mozart will be missed! Will be praying for your family.

  42. Mary I am so sorry you lost your Mozart. It touches my heart that he was lucky enough to get a second chance. It breaks my heart to go to the Humane Society and see so many animals that have never known love, comfort and basic things like enough to eat. But Mozart was one of the lucky guys and it sounds like you were lucky to fing him. Our pets enrich our lives so much. Mozart knew how lucky he was.

  43. Mary, I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. Mozart had a wonderful home with you and he truly touched your family in more ways than one. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. (Hugs)

  44. Mary, I am so sorry to read your post today. Our four-legged family members are always there for us and love us unconditionally Sounds like Mozart was a WONDERFUL and a beautiful kitty! Love his markings! Thinking of you and your family!

  45. We’re all so sorry to hear about Mozart. Brian and I are both thinking of you and your family. Tag and Sarah send their licks and nuzzles…

  46. I feel your pain. We lost our beloved Wackow and Yackow twin brothers two years ago, four months apart. It was a devastating time for our daughters and for us. It was hard to lose our family of cats. Even their remaining sister was sad and depressed – she knew she had lost the boys.

  47. So sad to hear about the loss of your kitty! Sounds like he had (and gave) your family a lot of love. (((hugs)))

  48. Thinking of you and your family during this sad time. Pets coming into our families with so much love to give and very hard when Animal Heaven comes calling for them. We had a Jack Russell – Heather – that we had for 15 years when she passed on. She use to “talk” to us about her day when we walked in from work!! 🙁

  49. What a blessing to Mozart to be part of the Fish Family. Thank you for sharing. May he rest in peace. Take care!

    Ellen Barner

  50. So sorry to hear about the loss of Mozart. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs, Joanna

  51. So sorry to hear of your loss for you and your family even his little buddy the pug….animals mourn as we do and i have seen that too much the past 9 months

  52. What a beautiful tribute to Mozart. A special blessing to everyone who rescues a pet. I am so sorry about your loss. I worked as a tech in a vet clinic and it didn’t take long to realize what most animals want is a family to love and be loved by. Thank you for giving that to Mozart.

  53. Awww……………..sorry about your baby! Sounds like he lived a very long and happy life because of you! Take care.

  54. I’m so sorry. I too recently lost our cat of 16 years, Kukui. We had adopted her in Hawaii from the Honolulu humane society. This past December we adopted “Toby” a burnt orange tabby. We only had him one month before his sudden onset of breathing difficulties. We found out he had a birth defect- an internal hernea that allowed his intestins to enter the lung/heart area… the vet recommended he be put down due to the usually unsuccessfuly surgery of this type. 8-( I’m so sorry for your loss. ((HUG))

  55. A pet is a gift from God. He was your gift, you were his. I am glad you had eleven years to celebrate the gift.

  56. Oh, so sorry to hear of the loss of your cat, Mary! He sounds like he was a wonderful pet. Big hugs!

  57. Mary, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss of your special pal, Mozart. Pets are part of our families and their loss is never easy. My heart goes out to you and your family. Lots of hugs!!!! Ruth

  58. Mary and family:
    Our household (including 3 rescue kitties) sends our deepest sympathies to you. Many hugs…

  59. So sad to hear about the loss of your devoted Mozart. What a lovely card to pay tribute to him. Thinking of you today.

  60. So sorry to hear of the loss of a member of your family. Pets are the most special to those of us who choose to include them in our families.
    It is not easy, however my thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
    Dwell on the happy and fun times that Mozart gave to you and your family.

  61. Mary & Family,
    I too, know how you are feeling….
    Cats have their own special magic that grabs our hearts
    with their unique antics!
    Thank you for sharing your story with us,

  62. What a fabulously darling cat – and clearly so beloved by your family. He carried a regal name (our family is very much into music, especially classical) and found a wonderful home for the past years. I’m sorry for the difficult experience of his illness – we’ve had our share of similar experiences with our pets. And all of our dogs/cats have also been rescue animals. I also love that you have a pug! We did also, and he passed right after the first birthday of our first son. Hope you and your family can remember those wonderful times you had with Mozart and feel comforted. Charming card you made for Mozart too!

  63. I’m so sorry for your loss. I had two orange tabbys growing up, both strays, and they were the best family memebers you could ask for. Hugs, Leslie

  64. So very sorry for the loss of your beloved pet. They don’t ask for much in return, but are such great companions and friends.

  65. I can empathize with your loss. Feline or Canine they are a joy and a part of our families. I am so glad your family had the gift of 11 years together.

  66. Mary & family, Here’s hoping the memories you had of Mozart will comfort you during your time of grieving. My prayers are with you. What a wonderful touching story of life you just told. I’m crying just from reading it. Mozart was as special to you as you were to him. Hugs & Prayers, Becky

  67. Reading your post brought tears to my eyes. I am so sorry for your loss.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  68. So sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Mozart. Our pets are our children and bring us more than we could ever give in return.

  69. Mary, I love your card and your sweet tribute to your Mozart. We also have two strays. They were left on the doorstep of the veterinarian office where our son worked. They are the most loving cats we’ve ever had!

  70. So sad for you Mary! Hopefully Mozart and our old Sporty will find each other in kitty heaven and play up a once-again-healthy orange and gray storm.

    Hi Michelle . . . we had a “Sporty” when I was growing up. A springer spaniel. such a character. Hugs, m

  71. Mary and family, Isn’t it wonderful the love we are able to share with a pet? Mozart ( love the name) was truly blessed to be in your home. I love his little face with the white stripe-adorable. I hope sharing memories of Mozart and knowing that a lot of friends are supporting your loss helps ease this time.

  72. My heart is sad for your lost,please know that those of us who have lost a beloved pet feel your pain.
    God Bless,
    Mary J

  73. So sorry to see this Mary. It is a hard thing to go through. He knew he was loved by you and your family till the end. Bless you!

  74. I dread the day our cat is here no longer. He was our neighbour’s cat who decided he had a better gig at our house and we have enjoyed his fabulous personality and snuggles for five years now. Glad to hear Mozart was such a special part of your family and my heart goes out to you in your loss.

  75. sorry to hear your sad news about your mozart, mary-you gave him a good life as part of your family

  76. Dear Mary,
    What a beautiful post you composed. Hugs and prayers are with you all. Mozart had one special family and how fitting to share a card in honor of your dear feline family member. Pets are like people, no two are the same. I am so sorry for your loss. Praise God for memories! <3

  77. Mary,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Your post has brought back some memories of my own. Although many years have gone by, memories of my precious dog always bring a smile to my day.

    I’m sure that Mozart and your family shared a very special love for each other.

  78. I’m very sorry to hear the loss of beloved Mozart. I know all too well the devotion and love we feel towards our pets… they become family members! Sending love and prayers to you and your family during this time of sadness.

  79. Mary, my deepest sympathy to you and your family. I lost one of our two cats the day after Christmas in 2007. She was a black cat named “boo” and she was not aware she was a feline but thought she was a canine. She got a disease that took her down to almost 3 pounds…. we tried nursing her back to health which was horrible for us and her…. it didn’t work. Unfortunately 2007 was a tough year for our family. I had just buried my 21 year old daughter who died suddenly from an unexpected seizure. (the only one we were aware she even had.) Boo was a comfort to me at that time, never leaving my side, “talking” to me frequently and sitting on my chest touching my face and purrring while her winking eyes spoke to me the way only a cat can do…… We had also just moved two weeks after the death of my daughter to a new home and our cats were a little out of sorts by that, but she was such a comfort to me. I like to think she thought of me as a comfort to her when she got sick, but it just broke my heart to see her suffering so much! I know that her little soul is with my daughter and they are both watching over us together. I’m sure Mozart is watching over you and your family also. Big Hugs to you all!


    Hi Ronette . .. thank you for sharing your story. Cats have an uncanny ability to sense when we are sad or ill. Hugs, M

  80. Mary, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved friend. He had a good run there with a loving family and your tribute is so touching and fitting. Will be thinking about you today…XOXO

  81. So sorry to hear about Mozart. I remember pics you posted of him in your stamp room, I believe. Great card to remember him by!

  82. So sorry to hear about your kitty. We lost our last cat 2 years ago, he was 20 (that is not a typo). He too was a stray and was born outdoors. We adopted/captured him and his sister and they both had great lives and enriched mine and will always hold a special place in my heart. I know you will think of your special friend often.

  83. Mary – My condolences to you and your family; it is sad to see a loved one go but we never say goodbye. Mozart will live in your heart forever. What a beautiful post, thank you!

  84. Thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family. Losing a member of your family is never easy. Take care and may Mozart’s memories keep you smiling.

  85. Mary.
    So sorry about the loss of Mozart. After the pain subsides, I’m sure you find it in your heart to adopt another lost kitty that needs your love.
    Hugs to you,
    Sue L.

  86. So sorry for your loss, but as a “mom” to several Humane Shelter animals, I agree that they are indeed a gift to us as much as what we think they gain from it.

  87. I am so sorry for your loss Mary. Pets are such a huge part of the family and bring so much joy, but it is so very hard to say good-bye to them. Cherish the memories of him, blessing to you and your family.

  88. Mary, my deepest sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your dear and beloved Mozart. Being a cat Mom of six inside cats and at least 4 outdoor cats that wander through, I can so totally sympathize with you. Mozart was very lucky to have you and your family to take him in and make him a special home. You will be in my thoughts and prayers – losing a pet is so very difficult to do.

  89. What a beautiful card for a beautiful cat. I love orage cats – When I lost my cat of 18 years I made a scrapbook of all the pictures and wrote about what he brought into my life. To this day my sons love this book. There is no measure to what they bring into our families and how much they are missed. I have often felt that while we think we chose a second chance cat they really pick us. I am sorry for your loss. I can tell you Mozart knew he picked the right family. Your in my heart today.

  90. I love your card, it’s a cheery card to remember the good times with your kitty. I’m so sorry for your loss, I understand your grief, I have lost my beloved Cat also. I love that you saved Mozart, wonderful story. Bless you

  91. Mary, my deepest sympathy to you and your family in the loss of your beloved Mozart. Bless you for giving his a second chance at life and loving him. He was a gorgeous kitty.

  92. Although I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Mozart, what a beautiful card and story. Our pets become so much a part of our families and I can tell yours was one who not only gave you love and joy, but was given it right back to him.

  93. Mary, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. What a wonderful thing you did to take him in and give him many happy years he might have missed. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  94. Mary,
    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend. I love the photo you posted of Mozart; he was a real beauty, and may you always remember him that way.

  95. Mary, I am so sorry about your beloved cat, Mozart. I know he will be missed. I am a cat lover as well and in the past 2 years, my two indoor cats passed away as well. THey were 15 and 16 years old…so I know how you feel. Someone dropped a cat off in our yard a couple of years ago and she became our ourside cat, but when my last cat, Noah, died last year, Magic the outside cat became an indoor/outdoor cat. We put a cat door in our sunroom and she comes and goes as she pleases. We love her very much and she helped ease my heart from losing my last indoor cat.

  96. Mary, I’m so sorry about Mozart. We,too, have cats and have found that orange males are especially sweet cats. They are really missed. I know Mozart is a special addition to Kitty Heaven.

  97. I am so sorry, Mary! I still know all to well the sorrow of losing a furry member of the family. My thoughts are with you…

  98. Oh Mary – I am so sorry for the loss of your little fur baby Mozart. We also had a kitty named Mozart that we had to put down. We shed many tears as you and your family well as well. Such a cute, cute card. Thanks for sharing this portion of your life with us. You are a blessing.

  99. So sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved pet. I recently went thru the same thing with our 14 year old black lab, it is so painful not to still have them around, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. Mary

  100. Beautiful sentiments, he will forever live in your heart. Thank you for sharing, my heart goes out to you and your family.

  101. So sorry you lost your furry friend. I know you will miss him! Blessings on you.

  102. Thanks for sharing your news Mary. I cried because although some may say, it’s just a pet, I know just how difficult it is to lose such a wonderful part of your family. My thoughts are with you.

  103. So sorry about Mozart. We had two Siamese cats that lived to be 15 and the end is so tough. Cherish your memories, and give Isabel some extra love today, she will help you get through it.

  104. Thanks, Debbie, for a wonderful poem. Thanks to all of your for your kind comments. Of course, you all made me cry again but in a good, healing way. Today is a new day . . . still sad (I see his empty spot where he slept by a sunny window) but plan to have some time to stamp and reflect. It is such good therapy along with seeing these precious comments. Hugs, M

  105. Mary,
    My deepest condolences in the loss of your friend, Mozart. As a fellow human who is owned by a cat, I know how deeply we feel for this wonderful creatures. In a stamp room, they offer hours of entertainment, especially when they raid the ribbon stash. May you find comfort in knowing that others join you in your sorrow.

  106. So very sorry to hear of your loss, Mary. Your Mozart had a long and wonderful life, and I’m sure he is looking at you from Rainbow Bridge and smiling. He will always be in your heart.
    Take care, Mary Frances

  107. i’m so sorry for your loss mary. our pets become members of the family and if people have never had the chance to live with a pet, they just don’t understand. may it give you comfort to know you gave him a new lease on life when your family brought him home to stay. love and hugs during this sad time for you all.

  108. So sorry Mary. Animals play such an integral part in our lives. Mozart was lucky to have been given a second chance with a wonderful family like yours.

  109. So sorry to hear of your loss; loosing a pet is traumatic to the entire family and I know he will be missed.

  110. Mary, I’m so sorry for your loss of Mozart. Sounds like he blessed your family with lots of love. Pets have a funny way of touching our hearts that way!!! 🙂 Take care and know that Mozart is happy in kitty heaven!!! 🙂

    Julie Learned

  111. I’m very sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty. It’s so hard to watch them suffer but still hard to let them go. They always remain in your heart forever though.

  112. I’m so sorry for your loss. It is very difficult to lose a pet that is so very loved.

  113. So sorry to hear about Mozart – so hard losing a pet! How wonderful that he was saved by “Fishes” and gave so much back to you all in return. He certainly was a handsome guy! Thinking of you xxoxo

  114. I’m so sorry for the pain you’re experiencing, Mary. Our pets ARE members of our families and it’s terribly hard to let them go. Take some time to be especially good to your self, your family and Isabel as you remember dear Mozart. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  115. My eyes teared up reading your passage. Pets are such wonderful creatures. My heart aches for you. You were very lucky to have him in your life. The card is beautiful.

  116. So sorry, Mary. It’s unbelievably painful to lose a faithful, long-time pet. Will be thinking of you today.

  117. I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Mozart. Pets are a gift from God and enrich our lives!
    18 years old..wow! Praying for you and your family including Isabel!

  118. Mary, I am so very sorry to hear about Mozart. I also just lost my beloved Moonbear…my 13-year old kitty. She was my baby, so I completely understand your loss. You and your family and little Isabel are so in my heart, thoughts and prayers. <3

  119. Mary-
    Sorry to hear about Mozart. That is the tough part of having pets, but it is SO worthwhile! Thanks for adopting him and giving him a good life!

  120. Mary, My heart felt sympathy for your sweet friend. They are all so precious and we love them so much that it hurts when they leave us! Take comfort in knowing that you gave him a wonderful life!

  121. Mary: My heart is breaking as I read the news of your beloved Mozart. Our animal friends may leave us all too soon but, their footprints will dance gently on our hearts forever. Remember Mary – When you lose someone you love, you gain an angel you know. Hugs to you and family during this difficult time.

  122. I am so sorry for your loss! Your card is a beautiful tribute to him. thinking of you and your family…my prayers are with you all.

  123. So sorry to hear your news… My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know how hard it is to lose a precious friend.

  124. I’m sorry to hear about your precious Mozart! I lost my kitty of 17 1/2 years this past December. She went down to 4.1 pounds and was brave until the end. My prayers are with you.
    Love the card!

  125. Mary
    My heart goes out to you and your family. It is such a gift to be loved by our pets. We love them so much in return. Your memories are a treasure.

  126. Mary,

    I am sincerely sorry to hear about Mozart, I lost a beautiful tuxedo cat, Mittens the 23rd of December and so I understand your feelings. Thought’s and prayers are with your family. In her honor we adopted another cat a week ago from the Humane Society. But it is just not the same without her.

    Thanks for posting today.

  127. How lucky Mozart was for you to have rescued him & give him such a caring/loving home! As pet lovers our lives are truly blessed with something you can’t experience until you actually welcome a pet as part of your family. (some people own pets, but that is different than them truly being a part of your family) We lost our dear kitty a year ago, and this Christmas found it was time to open our hearts to Archie…a kitty that looks exactly like your Mozart! Hugs to your family & may smiles fill your heart with memories of Mozart.

  128. Mary,
    My thoughts are with your family, how sad for you but what wonderful memories you will have forever. I am facing a similar situation with my now 17-year-old kitty. I know when she is called she will go knowing she was greatly loved, spoiled, and cherished. I hope the memories you have of your beloved kitty stay with you forever!

  129. My heart goes out to you! I too had an orange kitty we adopted from a shelter. He lived to be almost 16 then developed kidney failure and eventually had to be put to sleep. I have 2 cats now, but I’ll never love another cat like I loved him.

  130. Hugs and prayers for all of the Fish’s over your loss — cannot imagine how much it hurts to lose such a longtime friend…

  131. I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty, such sad news so early in the morning, I had tears in my eyes reading your Tribute to Mozart.
    There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth, It is called RAINBOW BRIDGE because of it many colors. Just this side of The Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with the lush green grass.
    When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and the frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other.
    There is only one thing missing. Thet are not with their special person who loved them on Earth. So each day they run and plan until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring! And this one suddenly runs from the group!
    You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
    Then you cross THE RAINBOW BRIDGE together, never again to be separated.

  132. Hugs to you, Mary, and know that all of us who have loved and lost wonderful pets feel your pain. They are such a part of the family. Thanks for all your terrific ideas – you rock!

  133. So sorry about Mozart. It brings back memories of our dear cat, Tippy, who died almost 2 1/2 years ago now. I still can’t see a cat or go past the pet food aisle in the supermarket without tears in my eyes! They are very special! Love the card!

  134. Good morning, Mary: I’m so sorry about the loss of your beautiful Mozart. Pets are a special and wonderful part of a family and it’s very sad when we loose them. I’m sure he will be missed by all, including Isabel.

  135. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I hope the memories you have of Mozart will be comforting to you.

  136. ms mary sooo sorry about beloved mozart, i know the filling, you never forget them,
    my heartfelt to you all.

    hug’s frenchie

  137. Mary, I’m so sorry to hear about Mozart’s passing. Pets are such wonderful buddies. My prayers are with your family and Isabel during this time of sadness. Pssst….stamping is good therapy 🙂 Hugs 🙂

  138. It is so sad when we lose one of our animal babies. I too lost a pet yesterday. A Budgie bird I had for the last 10 years. His name was Tiki and I miss his sweet song. My house is so quiet now. Maybe Tiki and Mozart are making beautiful music in heaven with their songs and bell.

  139. Sad news. I lost my Chewie five months ago. They surely do find a way into your heart, don’t they? The card is beautiful and sweet and, I guess, good therapy, too.

  140. Dear Mary…you brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing your heart in this special tribute post. How wonderful that you opened your heart and home to a special cat. Sounds like a match made in the heart and influenced by Heaven. Give Isabel a hug for me and know you are all in my heart and prayers while you adjust to the loss.

  141. So sorry to hear of the loss of a dear friend and companion to your dog. Animals are such a wonderful addition to any family but when you rescue one, the love seems 10 fold. Remember the love and cherish the memories. All my sympathy…

  142. Aww, Mary! I am so glad to know that you gave Mozart that second chance in a wonderful home. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  143. Mary,
    SOOOOO sorry to hear of the loss of Mozart. I can feel for you with the sudden loss of “Bear” who looked a lot like your Mozart. The little beggars steal our hearts with their unconditional love and antics to make our days a little brighter. I am sure you made Mozart’s days bright with a special pet and hug and love and hope all of the fun memories will bring you a daily smile.

  144. Mary, how sweet you can share with us. I cna’t imagaine the pain in lossing him. Please feel the love from your family and friends, HUGS. My heart is sad for your loss, but joyfull for the memories you have shared.

  145. I’m so sorry th hear about Mozart, but he returned his gratitude by leaving you with happy memories; we had a similiar incident & we were given lots of fur love & laughs; thanks for sharing your purrrfect story in a stamping world!

  146. I’m so sorry! I am very attached to my cats and know how hard this is for you. I will be praying for you all.

  147. He will give you moments of peace when you remember him in the days and weeks to come.

  148. So sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved Mozart. It’s so hard to let them go. My heart and thoughts are with you and your family.

    Denise M

  149. Sorry to hear the sad news of the loss of your beloved pet. It is so sad to lose a furry family member.


  150. Mary,

    I am so sorry to hear that your beloved Mozart passed away. May your heart be filled with wonderful memories of your dear furry friend.

    I will keep you in my prayers during this difficult time.


  151. A beautiful card to honour your gorgeous and special little fella. I am so sorry to hear your news Mary, my thoughts are with you all.
    Luv Lynne

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