If you follow my Stampin' Pretty blog, you know that I'm totally nutso about Stampin' Up! clear-mount rubber stamps. Efficient storage, visability and savings . . . all play into my clear-mount stamp love fest.
With the new 2011-2012 Idea Book and Catalog, Stampin' Up! introduced Clear-Mount Cling Foam (124236). I can convert my wood-mount stamps to clear-mount. Woo hoo! I took the plunge yesterday to get familiar with the product and do the "switcheroo" of my favorite wood-mount rubber stamps to clear. I found that the Walnut Hollow Hot Knife is my new best friend for this process. Thinking you might be interested, too, I whipped up today's video tutorial. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!
PLEASE BE CAREFUL. The hot knife is really, really hot and shouldn't be used around the kiddos. The Stampin' Up! Circle Scissor Plus Glass Mat (112531) protected my work surface below.
STAY TUNED! There's even a sneak peek at the end of the video of two new Stampin' Up! Holiday Mini products (Spice Cake Designer Series Paper & Very Vanilla Velvet Stitched Ribbon). Card details and photos will be on tomorrow's post!
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can use (and Stampin' Up! recommends) using their Craft & Rubber Scissors (103179) for trimming the foam adhesive around the stamps. I used the Walnut Hollow Hot Knife for quick, precise and less sticky results. Stampin' Up! will not be liable for damage to customer stamps if the hot knife method is used.
Need to know more about benefits and use of Stampin' Up! clear-mount stamps, CLICK HERE!
I think you can check some of the on-line craft stores or do a google search and still find the foam. I found this (for example) but haven’t personally used. https://www.amazon.com/Mount-Static-Mounting-Stamps-Already/dp/B003W0XCOG
Now that the Clear Mount Cling Foam is no longer available, do you have a suggestion for an alternate ‘foam’ for old wood stamps?
I have done this when I converted mine to cling mount, would have done all of them but there were just too many but you can do it. Stazon does work. Stamp before you mount though otherwise you can’t do it. Good luck.
I updated the post above for you. The brand name of the hot knife is Walnut Hollow.
I would also like to know what kind of hot knife Mary used. I would like to purchase one after tryin to cut around the mounting foam with scissors I’ve never had such a sticky mess! The hot knife seems to be the way to go!
Mary – do you think converting the huge background stamps, like the sunflower, would work just as well? I would love to convert those if you think it would work just as well. Is there an acrylic block big enough to use for converted background stamps? Hmmmm.
Hi Mary, Loved your tutorial, thanks! That hot knife is really a neat trick – I love that clean cut too & less sticky mess to deal with. I wanted to share with you that I converted the snow globe single stamp. I love the sticker image on my stamps so I used the “sticker” image on the foam side & then applied 1 layer of “tack it over & over” glue by Aleene’s found at Michaels. Let dry overnight & it sticks very well to the acrylic block. If you get a chance try it and let me know what you think. Thanks, Sonnie
Hi Amie: I haven’t tried stamping with Stazon on the cling side (and there are some logistics here about getting the image there from the other side) . . . however, I worry about getting it exactly right and how the Stazon would stamp on a porous, spongy substance. If anyone else has tried, please speak up! Hugs, M
I don’t know if I have time to convert all my wood mount stamp sets to clear, but thank you for the tutorial. :O) Can you stamp on the cling side with Stazon before you mount onto the sticky side?
Thanks for another great tutorial. I really want to give this a try since I’m definitely a clear mount gal. Also love the SU dvd storage for the clear mount stamps due to a lack of storage. Thanks again.
Thank you so much for the tutorial. You made it look SO easy – I might even consider it. Thank you again! and Congratulations on Convention and all the wonderful awards! I’m just a stalker – usually. 🙂
So glad I watched yur video. I have been thinking about converting a lot of my sets since this foam became available from SU. I definitely love the hot knife method. So much cleaner an I would think quicker too.
What a great video Mary. You made it easy to understand and I do want to try unmounting some stamps myself. I had not heard of the hot knife before. I am so excited to be getting your blog now and am looking forward to learning a lot. The card you made for your niece is lovely.
Many Thanks!
Thanks for posting this idea for me. I can not wait to turn my wood blocks in.
Thanks again!
OMG Mary!!! I have already ordered a hot knife!!! I have wanted to convert my stamps but did’t like the way they turned out with the scissors. You are my hero!
Thanks, Joan!!!
OMG Mary!!! I have already ordered a hot knife!!! I have wanted to convert my stamps but did’t like the way they turned out with the scissors. You are my hero!
Thanks, Joan!!!
I’ve been converting my Wood to clear using EZ mount for a while, and am anxious to try the S.U. product and hot knife now. I also have been storing mine in S.U. clear mount cases and what I have done, is take the sticker for clam shell case and place on a peice of copy machine paper and then cut to fit the clear mount case sleeve. Works like a charm and that way I know which awesome stamps are where. Thanks so much for the tutorial.
Hi Mary…where were you 2 years ago when I converted all my wood stamps to cling? I will have to try a hot knife, scissors get so sticky & hard to get into small areas. Can you use the hot knife to cut the rubber also? I like to trim my stamps closer so when I stamp the last image on a card & get stamp edge marks on it & have to start all over lol. I group my stamps in groups of flowers, verses etc. I use the transparent image & put it on a piece of copy paper of all the stamps in the dvc case, make a copy at 50% size & put the 50% copy in the dvd case & the 8 1/x11 in a notebook. I also write what stamp set it is from on the transparent image.
I knew I could count on my blog readers for some great solutions for DVD storage AND how to use the stickers with the stamps, too. Hugs, M
Thanks for the video. I just might have to unmount a bunch of my wood stamps. Just a suggestion I heard from someone that I thought I would pass along. Instead of cutting out a rectangle piece of foam and then mounting the rubber to it…try mounting as many rubber pieces to the foam sheet, as close together as you can get them. This way you don’t waste all the foam around the image.
You can find hot knives both on-line and at craft stores. Hugs, M
Very clever ideas. Julie from AZ . . . I’m glad I hung on to my stickers . . . may give it a try 🙂
Hugs, M
OMG Mary, this is one of the reason’s I love your blog, you have great tutorials.
I love how easy you can unmount Wood Stamps, now that I wathed your viedo.
If you have purchased clear stamps from SU, open your case and you can remove the paper. This will give you the size to cut your paper for additional clear cases you order. I group my clear stamps – flowers, birds, words, etc. in the cases and mark the contents on the center fold of the paper. When I put a stamp in the case I stamp it on the paper (under the film) with versafine black. I store my cases upright so I can read the general/detailed info on center fold. When I pull out the case I can see exactly what is inside. My paper covers the front and back of the case under the film:)
Thanks Mary. I put the sticker on the cling side, painted a very thin layer of Tombow glue on it, let it dry overnight, and now the stamp sticks to my clear block without any mess.
Fantastic tutorial,Mary! Love the great hints from you and the other postings on the clear mount stamps. Thanks!!!
Thanks for the tip, Mary. I have done some converting in the past and have used the scissors method. It’s effective, but I’m thinking the hot knife will make me much happier and, as I’m getting ready to convert a whole lot of my wood mounts, I intend to invest in a hot know which, I assume, I can find at the local craft store? You’re the best.
Hot knife idea is genius! I don’t know that I’m committed enough to undo all of my wood mounts, but if I did, I’d use your tutorial!!
I used the stickers UNDERNEATH the outer plastic cover of the DVD case I stuck it to the plastic so it would be FACE UP when the DVD case is opened then I placed my stamp on top so I knew which one it was at a glance. You can do it where it shows toward the outside of the case so when you pull it forward from your shelf you can see what stamp you are looking for, (if you haven’t already used a label maker or the strip label that comes with the stamp set to label the spine of the DVD case)- I love this ! it gives me much more storage space in my small space. The Hot knife I will be purchasing today. Scissors get gummed up & it doesn’t look as nice & clean.
I can not wait to convert mine. I really like the idea of the hot knife.
Mary, I have used the sticker on the back of the clear mount foam and then covered it with leftover cling from clear mount sets it works great!
Great idea…scissors make it look unfinished.
Where did you find your hot knife…ones I googled showed a different blade (long and wide) not like yours (exacto knife style).
Thanks again!
Thank you for sharing. What if you made a copy of all the pictures that you store in the box and put it on the cover? That might be a good way to identify the stamps within.
Love your video. I just send you an e-mail with a little suprise in it. I hope you will like.
Thanks for your wonderful tip! Love how quickly and cleanly that hot knife cuts!
Wow Mary, you make it look so easy. Thank you for sharing. Looks like I have another project to put on my list. – Lori
Finally – now I can free up so much storage space! Thank you so much for your video!
Hello Mary, What a great tutorial! I have 2 stamp sets that call for double mounting and I was debating whether or not to get additional wood blocks to mount each on it’s own wood or try to clear mount them. Your video was just what I needed to see to finalize my decision – clear mount it is! Thanks for showing the process and your great tips.
thanks for the suggestions, Penny! hugs, m
OMG…what a wonderful and informative tutorial. For the first time, recently, I tried mounting a rubber stamp to the cling mount and it was the biggest mess trying to cut around the rubber with scissors. I happen to have one of the hot knives and I never would have thought to use it….love that you were able to cut it so cleanly around the edges of the rubber…I’m getting mine back out and will clean them up some with my hot knife…I noticed you used a glass cutting mat, too…thank you, thank you, thank you….I told myself I would never buy rubber only again after my bad experience trying to mount it on cling, but you changed my mind.
Thanks Mary! I was afraid to try this, but the hot knife keeps it from being such a messy job with potentially messy results. I really appreciate this video!
Love the video! I was surprised on how easy it is to convert the wood mounted stamps. My plan is to convert all my wood mounted stamps to clear mounted in order to save space and organize the stamps. Thank you for the awesome video!
Great video. It does look easy to do. I’m now seriously thinking of making the plunge.
Thank you so much Mary! I’ve already converted alot of my wood to cling mount but used scissors. The hot knife looks so much easier I’m running out today to get one! One thing I did do was remove the image stickers from the back of my wood and put them on a piece of paper sized to fit inside the sleeve of the DVD case so I can quickly see what images are in that case. Someone also told me that they put them on the cling mount stamps and just used dotto adhesive to get them to cling to the blocks. Thanks again, wonderful video!
Yay! Love that idea of converting the wood mount to clear! Excellent tutorial Mary!
Good morning, Mary: Thank you for making this video, once again, you gave us a fabulous idea. I din’t think it was so easy to peel the rubber image from the wood mount stamps to convert them to clear mount. I also have some stamps that are just the rubber image, no foam or wood at all so, once I tried to glue them to the very thin foam sold at craft stores that’s called “fun foam” or “foam art” but, it’s so thin it just didn’t work at all. I’m getting the SU cling foam on my next order!!
I am so very HAPPY to be able to convert my wood mount stamps to cling mount stamps. Will try soon now that I have the clear mount cling foam. It is always so nice to see it done before I attempt it…gives me the confidence I need. Love your tutorials Mary.