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Blog Candy Giveaway! Comment to Win the Magnolia Mood Bundle!


To one lucky participant, I’m giving away the gorgeous Magnolia Mood Bundle, which includes the Magnolia Mood Stamp Set and coordinating dies!

how to play!

For your chance to win my Stampin’ Pretty Blog Candy Giveaway, please leave a comment HERE or at the end of this post sharing:

What is your favorite summer flower?

Pink Peonies - My Favorite Summer Flower - Mary Fish, Stampin' Pretty
My favorite summer flower is the Peony!

The deadline for blog candy comments is Monday, June 24 at 12 PM CENTRAL!

I’ll choose a random comment and announce the winner Wednesday, June 26, on my Stampin’ Pretty Blog. Note:  I only ship within the U.S.  Winner will have 24 hours to email me their name and mailing address so please stay tuned for the announcement of the winner!

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531 thoughts on “Blog Candy Giveaway! Comment to Win the Magnolia Mood Bundle!”

  1. My favorite flower is ‘rose’! (i’m in France so I know that I can’t win but it was a pleasure for me)

  2. I love the cards you made with this set. The lucky person who received your cards will certainly have a smile on their face!

  3. My favorite summer flower is the rose, .they are a classic, I have 5 rose bushes in my yard!

  4. I am currently on Marthas Vineyard and the hydrangeas are all over! My favorite flower is definitely the peony, but seeing these hydrangeas exploding in spades is turning my head!

  5. I love my peonies! They were so large this year I had to put cages around them to keep them standing up. I have two different colors, a pink with a white center and a pink with a darker pink center.

  6. I love lilacs. My mother always planted a lilac bush next to her clothesline. She loved their smell and I do too plus their color.

  7. I love flowers of all kinds! One thing I always try to have are snapdragons. We can plant them a little earlier than others and they just seem like such happy little flowers!

  8. I love Hydrangeas. I have 6 and all but one finally bloomed with a lot of flowers this year. They are absolutely beautiful .

  9. My favorite flower during the summer is the sunflower. I love the orange-yellow color petals with the brown centers.

  10. My favorite flowers for today would be geraniums because my bright pink potted ones are now looking gorgeous on our back deck!!! Next week, I might say zinnias, as they are starting to bloom in the garden!

  11. My favorite summer flower is a New Guinea impatience. I enjoy the bright colors and the fact that you don’t have to dead head them!

  12. Learn more

    My favorite summer flower is the magnolia because they have a sweet, citrusy scent, and can even ha a rise scent, nice size flower and are very pretty.

  13. My favorite summer flower is whatever is blooming in my garden at the moment. Right now there is a beautiful volunteer sunflower showing shades of yellow, mahogany, red and black. It’s amazing

  14. I love all kinds of flowers. But too many of them do not bloom all summer. I do love the everblooming hydrangeas! I also love the garden flower Vin ca. It does well in all sports of soil, and once established it will continue to grow and bloom all summer long. I also love the happy pansies, but they are not heat tolerant so once it gets hot, they get very limp. But in the warmer areas of the county, pansies are frost resistant and will bloom all winter long!

  15. My favorite summer flower has to be the sunflower. It grows tall, proud and wild in the State of Texas and dares to lift its beautiful face to the scorching summer sun! Gotta love this feisty summer flower. Thanks, Mary!

  16. We had Peonies growing in our yard when I was a kid. They were so big and beautiful and smelled so good, what a nice memory.

  17. It is hard for me to choose a favorite summer flower. Perhaps it is the peony because my grandmother grew so many of them in her flower garden. I also love the the spring daffodil.

  18. Sooo many pretty summer flowers to choose from! I love anything bright and / or bold that pops from its greenery.

  19. I do love peonies with their multi layers and if coarse all the shades of pink.
    I’m not sure of a favourite flower as they are all beautiful, unique and seasonal.

  20. My favorite flower is a tropical flower from Hawaii, called Bird of Paradise. It reminds me of my Mother who was born in Hawaii.

  21. In the sunmmer, my favorite flower is the orange bird of paradise. I mentioned orange because before the orange flowers bloom, there is a yellow flowered bird of paradise. It’s not quite as showy!

  22. I like a lot of different flowers but I would have to say Purple Lupine because they are so unique 💜

    • The set is beautiful. Love your card. I use to have a Magnolia tree in my front yard. I really miss the beautiful flowers and the awsome smell they had.

  23. I wish you could see my flowers. I must have over one hundred kinds of flowers! I didn’t think I could pick just one, but after some consideration, I believe it has to be the stargazer lily. It’s an impressively tall, pink and white flower with a divine fragrance. I have about fifteen of them, and they will be blooming soon. Can’t wait!

  24. I LOVE ALL FLOWERS! Every year I get geraniums and they keep blooming all summer long and are just beautiful …So sweet of you to give this bundle away .

  25. Matilija Poppies-often seen in parts of CA and AZ! White with yellow centers, with delicate crepe paper like petals.

  26. My favorite flower is Lavender Hydrangeas! I have five and they have different colors from Pink to Lavender.

  27. How can one pick just one? I love peonies but have so many favorites. Lilacs, tiger lilies, hydrangeas, oh my. I have a lot of perennials, annuals and evergreens in my gardens. Love them all!

  28. Lilacs are my favorite even though they don’t last long. Thank you for this chance at the lovely set

  29. My favorite flower is actually a magnolia. We have a huge tree in our backyard that has blooms all over it right now. I’m also a decorative painter, and I painted one on a side table for my living room.

  30. So many to choose from but my choice is the lilac. Here in Rochester, NY we have an area called Highland Park and in this park are hundreds of lilacs some over 50 years old. I love to walk among the trees and smell the air filled with the scent of lavender and look at the varied colors, white, pink and lavender.

  31. My favorite summer flowers are zinnias. I grow 4 different varieties every year. I love all the colors. I cut them to bring in my house. They always make me smile. 😊

  32. Roses, heirloom preferably. I love to walk through a path of roses and inhale the sent. Nothing else like it. Also my favorite for stamping

  33. I’m a ‘floweraholic’, but my favorites are sunflowers and Shasta daisies. Thanks for the opportunity to win 😊

  34. My favorite flower is difficult to choose but I enjoy almost all flowers. I have to agree that peonies often take the top spot.

  35. My favorite flower is the brown eyed Susan. They bring sunshine to any yard or patio all summer and into autumn.

  36. The lilies are my favorite. I have beautiful lilies June-September. Some 5 ” wide with green throats and crinkly edges, minatures and spiders. The colors range cream to near black, some even with beautiful rings in the throat. They make me happy!

  37. I really like the tube shaped flowers that bring in hummingbirds. I also have a nice collection of daylilies with a few irises. And my neighbor has the most beautiful morning glory! Hard to choose a favorite 🙂

  38. i am in love with pansies with faces that remind me of children and my favorite Shih Tzu, Chi-Chi.
    I also have two beautiful, full lavender plants that reach out in a semi-circle to fill the air with their wonderful scent. I love squeezing the blossoms and applying the fragrance to my arms and bringing some cuttings into my home for fragrance and color. Ummmm. Thank you, God!

  39. I love so many summer flowers!! I just bought a beautiful hydrangea for my front porch but I also love peonies so much. That’s a tough question!!

  40. My favorite summer flower is the daisy. But this is a beautiful stamp set. I especially like the sentiment, “Just a note to let you know you are loved”. I can think of several of my friends I would like to send cards to with that sentiment.

  41. My favorite summer flowers are blue hydrangea! I’ve been wanting this bundle! Fingers crossed I win!

  42. My favorite summer flower is the sunpatiens. I love them because they flourish in sun and shade and I don’t have to de-head them!
    Thank you for your informative tutorials – I look forward to them each week !

  43. I love the smell of Lilacs in the spring. My favorite summer flower is anything that blooms in purple!

  44. The Lady Slipper flower is my favorite. It’s the Minnesota State Flower. Very elusive but simply gorgeous.

  45. Hello, I have discovered how beautiful and vibrant Poppies are, they are my new favorite flower. I am going to attempt to grow them next year.

  46. I am a flower LOVER. You can see in my scrapbooks that I love taking photos of flowers. Living in the dessert you don’t tend to see too many flowers blooming in the summer but of those that do, I love the purple New Mexico Thistle.

  47. My favorite summer flowers are daisies and I also really like Queen Ann’s Lace. This magnolia is perfect for cards from North Carolina!

  48. My favorite summer flower is hydrangeas. I love how the soil type changes the color and the different varieties that are now available.

  49. It’s so very hard to choose a favorite – BUT, I would have to say a peony. We have what we call ‘Ancestral White Peonies’ as they are peonies that have been split, and split, and split, from the original peonies that my Great Grandfather had grown. My daughter also gave us a beautiful yellow peony that is quite sturdy and doesn’t fall over from the weight of the flowers. It was loaded with 20 blossoms this year. Just gorgeous. AND of course we have the deep pink-colored ones as well. I had a bouquet in my craft room until today – I smelled so awesome! The petals are still on a plate, providing a lovely soft scent.

  50. I love those little purple irises that come out in late spring. I always called them blue sails, but I don’t think that’s right. As far as real summer flowers go, I do love the tiger lilies. They need very little care but grow with abandon.

  51. My absolute favorite summer flower is the peony. The fragrance is softly sweet. My neighbor grew them and would cut some for me.

  52. My favorite summer flower is the hibiscus. I am always fascinated how the plant is thought to be dead as it winters over – then once the ground warms up it begins to show signs of new growth and before you know it the plant is loaded with beautiful, vibrant dinner size flowers. Thank you for this generous giveaway!

  53. I love all flowers but I think my favorite artist is a peony I have the most beautiful gardenia in my wedding bouquet 56 years ago so it has always been sentimental to me

  54. While I adore all flowers, my favorites are hydrangeas, and antique roses that are not fussy, but put on a summer show. I also love sunflowers for the butterflies and hummingbirds they bring.

  55. I love all summer flowers. My favorite is the dahlia for two reasons. There are many, many varieties, all beautiful. The other reason is my father grew a wide variety of dahlias to enter into flower shows. He was a dedicated and meticulous gardener. He won many trophies and plaques, and our garden was stunning.

  56. I just ordered the stamp. The cards I have seen using the bundle are awesome!! So classy!! The embellishments would add that extra touch to the shut in our group would be sending it to!! So my fingers are crossed!! Thanks for the opportunity. Have a Blessed Day!!

  57. Hello

    I must agree with you, my favorite flower is the Peony. I wish they bloomed all summer.
    Love the inspiration you post weekly.

  58. This year my favorite summer flower is the zinnia. I’m sure seeing all the beautiful SU samples I’m seeing if helping this decision. I’m actually growing zinnias from seeds this year.

  59. My favorite flower tends to be whatever new is blooming in my garden. Right now it’s a gorgeous bed of red crocosmia.

  60. Love, love, love flowers but if I have to pick one today it would be Dahlias! Planted bulbs for the first time this year.

  61. My favorite summer flower is a zinnia. They come in all sizes and shapes and have eye-popping colors. Wonderful give-away!

  62. I love Marigolds. They thrive in our hot summers and require little care. They also keep pests away in my vegetable garden. Thank you for your daily inspirations.

  63. My favorite summer flowers are purslane. They have a beautiful variety of colors. They close up at night and open during the day. They are perfect in my garden.

  64. Favorite summer flowers are roses, any and all colors. Thanks for all the inspiration you’ve given me to spread my wings in my papercrafting of cards and treat containers over the years.

  65. My favorite summer flower is the white daisy but love the magnolia flower and would love to win this gorgeous stamp. Thanks for a chance to win!!!!

  66. The peony is also MY favorite summer flower. I have a pink one from my late mother, and a white one from my late mother-in-law.

  67. In Hawaii we really don’t have seasonal flowers but da Pikake and Pua Kini blooms year round an dey both smell so sweet.

  68. I don’t know if they are summer flowers but I love calla lilies. For a summer flower I would say hydrangeas. The colors are so pretty. Thanks for a chance to win Mary. I check your blog every day to keep up with Stampin’ Up news and to get ideas.

  69. Daisies. Loved SU’s Daisy bundle, and making cards with it. Second choice would be the zinnia, as it has so many different colors.

  70. I love lilacs in the spring along with daffodils and peonies! Summer, I guess Sunflowers! But enjoying the rose of Sharons that are blooming in our yard now what makes them nice is they bloom all summer unlike the first three flowers I mentioned. Although I really love just about any flowers.

  71. I join with you Mary. Peonies are my favorite summer time flowers and zinnias are a very close second. 😊

  72. I subscribe to your blog and very much ch appreciate all your designs and measurements and how many ch you share

  73. This is such a pretty set! Recently moved to Tennessee and magnolia trees abound! Would love to win 🥰
    Thank you

  74. Oh, magnolias are such beautiful flowers. I don’t think they grow here in MN, but maybe some varieties. Thanks for chance to win, I’d sure love this set.

  75. Just love when my daffodils start blooming in the spring. So sorry that they are short lived. Always take a picture of them every spring

  76. Dahlias and I also always plant coleus (not a flower🤷‍♀️) outside in the summer. They both make me happy.

  77. I love day lillies. I have an assortment of colors in my garden. They are so bright and cheerful. Just wish they lasted longer. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful bundle.

  78. I love so many summer flowers, but geraniums are one of my favorites! Thank you for the blog candy giveaway opportunity Mary!

  79. My favorite summer flower is the Sunflower! It’s so bright and cheery.
    The Magnolia set would make some beautiful cards!

  80. I seem to like whatever flower is currently blooming! Iris, tulips, peonies, daisies, hydrangeas, cosmos, etc!

  81. Lilacs are my favorite but are more of a Spring flower here in Ohio. My Summer favorite would be Lily of the Valley. Childhood memories of them in our backyard… what an amazing smell for such a tiny, delicate flower!

  82. to be honest? I love the wild violets that pop up in my yard. I didn’t do anything for them to be there, and I don’t have to do anything to take care of them. They’re independent, yet share their beauty with us every year!

  83. It’s a toss-up for me…I love the cheery look of daisies, such happy flowers; but I’m partial to Lilies of the Valley. I don’t see them much these days, but they’re so sweet and smell so good! I had them in my wedding bouquet over 60 years ago!

  84. I live in the Phoenix area, so not too many flowers like the desert heat, but lisianthus and vincas are 2 that do that I’m enjoying…from inside my house as yesterday’s high was 117! Good time to stay inside and make cards.

  85. Hi Mary,
    So many to choose! …since I have reactions to different fragrances now😞, breathing issues, I can’t have any in the house. I used to love the wild roses on the east coast. I’m from Maine and my mum had one by our kitchen window that would grow so high and she when she trimmed it, it would fill out beautifully and very fragrant! Loved it!

  86. I like to see the Sun Flower in the summer. It just shouts Summer with its huge bloom facing the Sun. It also reminds me to work on Sunflower Cards too!

  87. I have so many favorite flowers that is hard to choose. I think lilacs are my most favorite because of their scent and colors!

  88. If peonies grew in the California desert, it would certainly be my favorite. So, the Mexican Bird of Paradise is my favorite desert flower.

  89. My all time favorite flower IS the magnolia!!! Years ago, we bought my parents a Magnolia tree and is has grown to be so very huge. When it flowers, everyone that knows them comments of the beauty of the tree. A couple years ago my son bought me one and I can’t wait til it gets anywhere near the size of my parents’ absolutely beautiful tree. This stamp set would be a great addition to my stamps.

  90. My favorite flowers are dahlias. There are so many wonderful sizes and colors but all so perfectly symmetrical.

  91. My favorite flowers are white daisies. My wedding bouquet 27 years ago was white daisies and white roses. Love them!

  92. I have a hard time choosing one but the one that touches my heart the most is the daisy. My first grand-daughter’s was Maezie & her nickname would have been Daisie. I find wild dasies growing in our yeard that had never been there before.

  93. Oh my, it is so difficult to narrow it down to just one! However, I would have to say stargazers because I love the big
    bold pink surprise, you see when they completely open up.

  94. Hi Mary
    Love your blog and all the posts !
    My favorite summer flowers are any of the lily family
    The magnolia bundle is one of the bundles I don’t have and would really enjoy it

  95. My favorite summer flowers are the morning glory flowers. They are stunning flowers with vibrant multi colored blooms. I could stare at them all day! These are followed by sunflowers. When I see sunflowers I immediately think of summer and homemade lemonade or sweet tea. My favorite time of the year!

  96. My favorite summer flower is the
    Dahlia. It comes in so many colors and varieties. They always make me smile!!

  97. I absolutely love Hydrangeas! They bloom in huge mounds of periwinkle color, which is my favorite. I also love the prior SUp stamps of Hydrangeas! Thank you for your generous Blog Candy and all of your inspiration!

  98. I think one of the many flowers that I like is the blooms & aroma of a lilac bush…..but they may be considered a spring bush. I also love the delicate beauty of a bleeding heart plant…….reminds me so much of Mom! Magnolias are a beautiful bloom as well. Just don’t see them in my state of MN!! Thanks for a chance at a beautiful stamp set.

  99. My favorite summer flower is the dahlia. We grow them in pots with blooms through the fall. So many colors and types.

  100. Knockout roses! They bloom early and so great to brighten up the world. Then in late spring and through summer the crepe Myrtle bloom! I love the dark pink ones.

  101. I love Gerbera daisies because they come in so many colors and they are just so happy. They always make me smile!

  102. My favorite flower is roses! Delicate, every color in the world, and fight back when you try to cut them back! They return every year when taken care of properly. Thanks for sharing so many good things with all of us Mary! Georgia

  103. I’m also a Peony girl!! They smell so good!! I just found you on Pinterest this month and started following your blog. I love it, I’m very impressed with all you share with us. Keep up the good work!!

  104. Hollyhocks!!!! My mother had gorgeous hollyhocks and I have followed in the tradition. They are great space fillers and I love the way the bees are drawn to them, also.

  105. This is one bundle I never purchased but would love to have! I love all the cards that you make – so simple but still impressive!

  106. I love most all the flowers but I especially like the hydrangeas. The flowers are beautiful and they last so long.

  107. You stole my thunder lol! My favorite flower is the peony. The smell is magnificent, the texture is like silk, and the shading in the plant is exquisite. I don’t even mind the ants!

  108. I grew up with my mom having almost a hedge row of peonies, so that is my favorite. It always fascinated me how the flowers would not bloom if the ants had not eaten the “sap” on the buds!

    Love your tutorials and I have a binder full of ideas thanks to you!!

  109. My Dad taught me how to care for roses. His favorite was the climbing peace roses on either side of our front porch facing the street. My grandmother had given him two of them from cuttings and he nursed them to beautiful plants. People would stop and take photos of them all summer. They were spectacular. So, no surprise my favorite summer flower is the rose…the yellow with pink on the edges of the peace rose, red, white, solid yellow, the list is endless and they are all gorgeous. They never fail to make me smile and bring back such lovely memories.

  110. My favorite is foxglove because it looks like a bunch of bells. Thanks for the chance to win this great bundle!

  111. My favorite summer flowers are sweet peas and sunflowers. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful set.

  112. One of my Seniors gave me some roses she grows. They are spectacular! So many colors and sizes. I smile each time I look at them and think of this special lady.

  113. My favorite flower is the peony. I almost completely missed hem this year as they bloomed early and I was out of town helping my father.

    I also love sweet peas and poppies (neither of which will grow in my yard).

  114. I didn’t think SU could improve the Magnolia bloom, but improve they did. This bundle is a must have for every Southern stamper and every flower lover.

  115. My Favorite is Peony also. I have about 10 plants all of different colors and would figure out how to make room for more of them. There is a place in Minnesota that you can tour and even purchase from them. On my bucket list to go. I love the smell but wish they would bloom longer. I do have to say I also love the Magnolia trees but have had no luck with them.

  116. I love whatever is at the height of blooming. My peony was amazing with the iris next to them, wish it lasted longer. Planted lupine this year as I love them. Then there are cosmos. I grow flowers for the joy of them. Like my kids can’t pick a favorite.

  117. My favorite summer flower is the Moss Rose. They are part succulent and can withstand the summer weather changes in Wisconsin.
    I also love the magnolias blooming in early Spring.

  118. My favorite summer flower is the Iris. The purple is so pretty and the flower is elegant.
    Thanks for the chance to win, Mary! The Magnolia stamps & dies have been on my list for a while now!

  119. My flowers are dahlias in all colors. I love all the uniform petals that make the flowers look so full.

  120. I remember the beautiful Magnolia tree in my Papa’s back yard. This stamp brings back so many happy memories from 50+ years ago!

  121. I would have to say that I have two favorites, the peony and roses! If pressed I guess roses would win as in one point on my Napa property I had about 40 rose bushes of different varieties , which was spectacular and fragrant when they were all in bloom!

  122. My favorite summer flowers are peonies, as well! Wish they stayed in bloom longer. Thank you for the chance to win. It’s a pretty bundle.

  123. My favorite flower are all different colors of peonies. I loved when my mom’s peonies bloomed and the beautiful colors!

  124. My favorite summer flower is the hydrangea. I have a special memory from when we were visiting my aunt in British Columbia, Canada. She had periwinkle-colored hydrangeas in her backyard and they just seeped beauty and refreshingly cool vibes! Seeing them makes me so happy!

  125. Zinnias are my favorite annuals – they are so colorful! They are beautiful & lasting in a vase whether a single bloom or in a bouquet.

  126. My favorite flower is the yellow rose. Yellow is one of my all time favorite colors. By the way I want to thank you for the chance to win such a great set but more so for you blog that I follow and get such great ideals to use for my card mission.

  127. My favorite flower is the Sunflower!! It last a long time, and you save the seeds and do things with them!!

  128. Wow! Great blog candy Mary. My favorite summer flower is zinnia. They come is so many varieties and colors.
    Thanks for a chance to win.
    Sue Floyd

  129. It’s SO difficult to choose ONE favorite summer flower. I love them all, but if pressed to choose only one I guess it would be the bearded iris. Their ruffled petals are just perfectly beautiful. I especially love the deep rich plum-colored ones. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous set.

  130. My favorite flower is the tulip. Always the sign Spring is on it way. Thank you for a chance on winning this beautiful set.

  131. Thank you for the chance to win! Nothing is as summery as a farmer’s market bouquet with sunflowers and snapdragons!!

  132. My favorite summer flowers are the Hardy Fuchsia . We found one on our honeymoon and brought home and planted at our home. We have even moved it when we moved.

  133. My favorite summer flower is a tie: nasturtiums because they remind me of my mom and hydrangeas because I have a lot of allergies and they don’t have a scent so I can have them near me! Happy Summer!

  134. My mother loved peonies and now they are my favorite flower too. They remind me of my mother’s love.

  135. I really love all of the summer flowers, but my favorite is the rose. I love the scent and I especially love seeing them at Longwood Gardens – the smell is heavenly!

  136. I love bearded Iris in the spring and glads in the summer. Thank you for the chance to win. I look forward to your posts.

  137. My favorite summer flower is a hydrangea-any variety and color. Almost all the greeting cards I make have flowers on! I am a flower girl. Thank you for the opportunity with the drawing! You are beautiful Mary.

  138. I love the black-eyed susan. Daisies come in a close second. I live in Mississippi and the magnolia is the state flower. What a great stamp for a give-away, thank you!

  139. Hi!

    I am Patti from Dayton Ohio. The name of our home is “The Magnolia”! This Stamp Bundle is one of my favorites!


  140. I love dark red geraniums. They are classic and gorgeous especially for the Fourth of July! A close second choice would be all colors of sunflowers- so beautiful all the way until Thanksgiving!

  141. Mary I look forward to your posts and get so many wonderful ideas! My favorite summer flower is the hydrangea.

  142. My favorite summer flowers are the white blossoms on the wild blackberry vines. Each flower signifies yummy fruit that will soon be ready for picking!

  143. I love Dahlias! The petals make such intricate patterns! They put a smile on my face everytime! Thank you for gifting this beautiful set!

  144. Just bought outdoor flowers and my new favorite are Calla Lillies. The colors are jus beautiful.

  145. My favorite summer flower is purple
    lilac because of the fragrance they give and who doesn’t Love the color Purple.

  146. That’s a tough question. I love all flowers that why I have so many, roses would be my first choice.

  147. Mine is the Calla Lilly. That was my bridal bouquet. Unfortunately, they do not survive the Midwest winters.

  148. I love a peony too. Calla lillies are also a favorite Actually, it’s hard to pick just one or two, all flowers appeal to me!

  149. Tulips are my favorite flower…they symbolize the beginning of spring and have a very short window to remind us to be present and enjoy the moment.

  150. My favorite summer flower is peony. I have a couple colors and my flowerbeds. Thanks for offering this beautiful set.

  151. My favorite summer flower are yellow daisies. They grow wild on the hills of central Nevada. They remind me of my mom who aunt who loved seeing them. ❤️

  152. My favorite flower is the rose.
    My daughter decorates with Magnolias.
    I would be doubly blessed to receive this set.
    Thank you for your generous gifts.

  153. My favorite summer flower is a rose! 🌹 A red rose just brings a smile to my face and a good feeler to my heart.. and in this crazy world, anything that makes a person smile, is special!

  154. My favorite is Fushia, it attracts hummingbirds and dragonflies. The two tone flowers are beautiful!

    • Magnolia is my favorite. I have a large tree in my front yard and cut flowers and float them in a bowl in the center of my table fresh every day during the blooming time. Makes me happy!

  155. My favorite summer flower is the gladiolus. I have some bright pink ones in my backyard and am waiting for them to bud and bloom.

  156. My favorite flower is Lantana and Firecracker plants for summer. The red blooms attract the hummingbirds. My inspiration is from Gods nature.

  157. I love my Yellow and Purple Columbine! They are an early spring flower so they make me happy when I see them especially if we have had a hard Ohio winter.

  158. I love Hydrandeas. My Mom always had them in her yard, but she also had gladiolus which I also love and sweet peas growing on a trellis. Guess I can’t choose just one either. Thanks.

  159. Huge fan of Gerber daisies and geraniums
    But my favorite are snapdragons many sweet memories of of planting with my mom ❣

    Thanks for the chance to win

  160. My favorite flowers are peonys and the lilac are my second. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful bundle.

  161. My favorite flowers are my peony’s and the lilac are my second. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful bundle.

  162. I love the simple sun flower. They are now available in several colors. I plant them every year in my garden. They attract Bees which are great pollinators .

  163. If I could be surrounded by Lilacs and Peonies everyday of the year then no matter the temperature, summer would be here. Their smell and color are vibrant.

  164. If I could be surrounded by Lilacs and Peonies everyday of the year then no matter the temperature, summer would be here. Their smell and color are vibrant.

  165. So hard to choose just one! Peonies and lilacs top the list. Both are beautiful and smell delightful!

  166. Hi! My favorite summer (spring) flower is the pansy! The colors are so pretty and it’s just a happy flower! Thanks!

  167. My favorite summer flower is the Water Lily. I live in the south and do not see many any more but spending time in the Adirondack Mt.of NY every summer, they were the flower I looked forward to see every year on the mountain lakes.

  168. My favorite flower that I like is the moss roses, my mom had them when I was growing up and always
    thought they were so pretty.

  169. My favorite flowers are hydrangeas. I love the blue colored ones the best. Thank you for the chance to win. This is such a lovely set.

  170. I love the deep dark pink geraniums. My Mom always had them planted every summer and they grew like crazy.

  171. I too love peonies but I just saw a snapdragon for 1st time and thought it was stunning.. would love this stamp set for my card ministry. Blessings

  172. My favorite flowers are rhododendrons. They grow in an array of gorgeous colors and the blooms are very impressive! I have light and dark pink bushes in my front yard, and they make me happy every time I look at them.

  173. My favorite flower is the gardenia. My mother carried it on her Bible for her wedding and I have loved it ever since. It is So fragrant and pure.

  174. We have a magnolia tree in our front yard. Thanks for offering the stamp bundle; if I win, I can have magnolia blooms all year!

  175. I guess it would have to be hydrangeas, although there are many favorites! We have three large hydrangeas in our front yard, each a different color, and they are showstoppers!

  176. My favorite summer flower is also peony. Love all your easy to follow tutorials. Thanks for a chance to win.

  177. Pick me! Love the beautiful cards you make and how you tell us everything you use to make them. Appreciate that!

  178. Since I can’t keep any plant/flowers alive, my favorite kind would be PAPER flowers!!! I do much better with them! The magnolia is STUNNING!!

  179. Being from the south, magnolias are dear to my heart! This is a beautiful bundle and I would love to share its beauty with my friends!

  180. My favorite is morning glories. Growing up they grew by the back porch. I always have heartfelt memories whenever I see them growing anywhere.

  181. Thank you for the opportunity to try for the blog candy giveaway. My favorite flower is the lilac it smells so pleasant and my favorite color too. Happy summer.

  182. I love snapdragons and lilly of the valley. While I love lilacs (and even have a couple at our house) I am very allergic to them! 😕

  183. Thank you for the opportunity to try for the blog candy giveaway. My favorite flower is the lilac it smells so pleasant and my favorite color too. Happy summer.

  184. My favorite summer flower is the hydrangea. Especially the blue ones. You didn’t ask for my second favorite, but I’ll share with you anyway. The magnolia blossom! What a coincidence! So, now I must win! 😂 Thanks for the opportunity to win, and for so graciously sharing all of your gorgeous creations, tips, and instructions. Best to you!

  185. My favorite flower is also the peony. It reminds me of my mom and dad. Mom had peonies in many colors from white to deep reds and purples. When we had to move her and dad to an assisted living facility and sell their house, my sister and brother dug plants in some of their favorite colors. Some went to grandkids as well and were planted at their homes. Now they post pictures every year of the beautiful flowers with a caption of ‘Thanks Grandma”.

  186. Shasta Daisies make me smile because they remind me of my grandma’s house. And it’s a joy when my 6’ hibiscus blooms each year! Thanks for the opportunity to play.

  187. Roses are my favorite flowers. They are so pretty outside on bushes and are beautiful when cut and brought inside to display on my table.

  188. The wonderful fragrance of lilacs makes them my favorite, but they don’t last long. Thanks, Mary, for your generous blog candy giveaway. Enjoy your day!

  189. I love all the bright colors of so many flowers, I would say the bright white daisies, and the colorful geraniums (especially deep pinks) are at the top of my list. Thanks Mary!

  190. Day lilies are my favorite and I finally have some in my yard that were transplanted from friends and family – which make me love them all the more!

  191. I love how this set brings back memories of the south for me. I live in the Midwest and appreciate those memories!

  192. My favorite summer flower is peony, followed closely by hibiscus. I also put out lots of impatiens . 😄 love that magnolia set !

  193. I love lilacs; They smell so nice! I did have magnolias when I lived in the south, though, and they were beautiful.

  194. A very hard choice to make, but my favorite for summer is probably the lupine I have in my yard. Love them!

  195. My favorite summer flower hands down is Peonies. Love those full round flowers in shades of white to magenta.

  196. My favorite summer flower is white Verbena. A lot of people think color for summer, but these are the brightest white and really pop against the green foliage and black metal planters!

  197. I really love hydrangeas, BUT I have to say, believe it or not, IMPATIENS! They are so bright & cheery and they last all summer and into fall!

  198. I love Gerber Daisy’s they are big, come in beautiful colors and my Mom would always give them to me on special occasions.

  199. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I love my day lilies. They bloom all summer long and are so colorful.

  200. How fun! A Blog Candy Giveaway! In our rather hot, dry summer climate, I’ve found that one of my favorite flowers is the Lantana. It will bloom all summer long into the fall. It also attracts butterflies and hummingbirds like crazy. Absolutely beautiful!

  201. Peonies followed by lilacs are my favorite summer flowers. However, there’s nothing more beautiful than seeing blue hydrangeas peaking through a white picket fence in a seaside town.

  202. So hard to pick just one! I will have to say Calla Lillies today though as I have beautiful dark purple ones in bloom.

  203. I love the Million Dollar Bells for containers. They come in many colors, and bloom all season with very little maintenance!

  204. Hydrangeas are my favorite summer flower. It’s a very good year for them as my bushes are filled with blooms.

  205. By far, my favorite is the Zinnia. I plant them every year as they stay in bloom all summer. Great for clipping and making beautiful, colorful bouquets!! Thanks, Mary!

  206. I have two favorites, lilacs and peonies. I love bringing them in the house and filling the house up with their scents.

  207. My favorite flower is the iris. I have several different varieties and am always amazed at how beautiful they are.

  208. My absolute favorite flower for summer is the hibiscus 🌺
    It blooms constantly and I just love the vibrant colors.

  209. My favorite summer flower is the fragrant bloom of the magnolia tree. I keep one cut and inside as long as they are blooming. A very close second is a hydrangea!

  210. Picking a favorite is hard. Calla Lilies were my wedding bouquet but I’ve had several perennial hibiscus plants that I absolutely love. Magnolias are gorgeous outside and so many creative people make fabulous arrangements with the leaves and blooms – what a great tree. I love all flowers.

  211. My favorite summer flower is the Anthurium. They are most loved for its long blooms and comes in such pretty colors, red, pink and lavender. Thank you for a chance to win the Magnolia set.

  212. Hi Mary, My favorite summer flower is the gardenia! The scent is heavenly! I also love magnolias, and here in the South they bloom most of the year. It was a toss up for me between gardenias and magnolias, so if you ask about a favorite tree I will choose magnolias! Thanks for a chance to win!

  213. My favorite smelling summer flower is the Jasmin which grows all over New Orleans. Whenever I smell Jasmin, I’m instantly transported back home!

  214. Favorite flower? I love them all, but if I have to choose it would be the irises. So many different colors and fragrances! This year with all the rain we were blessed with, they were absolutely beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win some candy.

  215. Ah! How to pick a favorite flower? Much like picking a favorite friend. T he one I’m with at the time. Like a child, I run from one to the other telling each they are the most beautiful.

  216. Hi Mary
    Thanks for the amazing Magnolia Mood giveaway!
    My favorite summer flower is the rose 🌹 with all the many types to choose from! Followed by Zinnias with all the color choices.

  217. My favorite is the hibiscus. I have two and they make such beautiful, and colorful flowers. They remind me of

  218. There are so many to pick from, but I like begonias & impatiens because I seem to have the best luck growing them.

    • Mom would place gnomes & giant tea cup pots in her gardens so it looked like they were having a tea party, All the flowers she planted are my favorites: marigolds, petunias, clematis, peonies, daisies. There were more but I can’t think of them right now.

  219. I’m with you. Peonies are my absolute favorite! My grandma used to grow the most beautiful, fragrant peonies. Absolutely gorgeous!

  220. I love gladiolus. You don’t see them often anymore, and my Dad could grow them anywhere! I miss his flower garden.

  221. My favorite are daisies. I have them in a few spots in my yard and what I have coined the daisy explosion has begun. They are such a happy flower!!!

  222. We have wonderful spring rhododendrons and camellias and tulips, but I’ve been married to my great husband for 60 yr and if I were to remarry him I would carry peonies. But I just love them all….and back in the midwest where I grew up, the magnolia were gorgeous !!

  223. I love tulips, but I know those are more spring flowers, so I’d have to go with hydrangea. My parents have the most beautiful ones in their yard, so hydrangeas remind me of my childhood home.

  224. My favorite summer flower is the zinnia. I live in the South, and zinnias do very well in our hot summer weather. Thank you for this opportunity!

  225. My favorite summer flowers are peonies. Sadly they don’t last very long. I filled my house with them when they are blooming.

  226. I love many flowers but the magnolia is at the top of the list, and not just because the tree is over 30′ tall 🙂 🙂 🙂 I would love to win this bundle, thank you!

  227. My favorite flower is my yellow rose bush. I got my start from my parents garden which came from my grandmother’s garden. This bush blooms only in May and is very special to me.

  228. Peony’s are my favorite! They’re the first actual cut flower I can bring in and put in a vase. Love their full, fragrant blooms.

  229. My favorite summer flower is a Zinnia. It with stands the summer heat.
    Can be cut to bring inside for my favorite vase.

  230. I love all flowers but if I had to chose just one it would be peonies…..they are so vibrant in color…

  231. My favorite summer flower is zinnias, hardy and easy to care for with such vibrant colors. I call them my happy flowers.

  232. Roses are my favorite flowers but I also love the various colors of hydrangeas. I live in Florida and hydrangeas don’t do as well in our climate here as they did back in Ohio. I enjoy all of the beautiful crepe myrtle trees that are currently blooming instead. Thank you for all that you share on social media… you are such an inspiration!!

  233. My favorite summer flower is the peony. I wish they bloomed all year long. They are so beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity for blog candy—the perfect treat!

  234. I don’t know if I can pick just one as my favorite! I’m growing coneflowers and milkweed for the bees and butterflies. Growing up on the farm we pulled the milkweeds. Never knew they smelled so good .

  235. Asking what kind of flower I like is like asking which of my children is my favorite. I love them all!!! Would love to be the lucky winner of this set…it is one I do not have!

  236. It is so difficult to choose! I plant flowers for the birds, bees and butterflies and love seeing not only the blooms but the living things attracted to them. With all that said I am going to pick CLEOMES.

  237. Peony is my favorite, love their beautiful fragrance! I have a pink and a white but have always wanted the deep dark purple one. They’re my first cut flowers of the spring.

  238. Hydrangea is my favorite. Love the variety of hues depending on the soil makeup. Thanks for the chance to win the Magnolia bundle.

  239. My favorite summer flower is a blue hydrangea. My daughter-in-law gave me one for Mother’s Day and it makes me smile every time I look at it!

  240. My favorite summer flower is a blue hydrangea. My daughter-in-law gave me one for Mother’s Day and it makes me smile every time I look at it!

  241. My summer favorite is begonias in colorful pots with potato vine cascading over the porch edge.

  242. Roses are my favorite. Love your site. So appreciate everything you share…definitely inspires me with your color combos, sketches and projects. Thank you for all you share ❤️

  243. I have two flowers: the red hot poker which was my mother’s favorite and the snowball which was my father’s favorite one. I have cuttings from the family home in my yard

  244. My granddaughter just asked me that same question! There are so many beautiful summer flowers! I’ll pick peonies! Wish they lived longer though! Thanks for the chance to win this bundle! I don’t have it yet!!

  245. my favorite flowers are zinnias! i love their bright colors, but even more so, love the memory they bring back for me when my Mom planted them in the front garden beds every year!

    • I have so many favorites…I love peonies, tulips, and lilacs in the Spring. In the summer I’d have to say my favorite is lavender. It’s a pollinator, it a rebloomer, and it smells great.

  246. My favorite summer flower is the gladiolus. Ever since i was a child, those were the only flowers in my house since they were my mom’s favorite! My love for them still continues and i appreciate them even more since they remind me of my Mom.

  247. My favorite flowers are lilacs. I love their smell! My mom also enjoyed them and we used to have huge bunches of them in the house from lilac bushes on the farm. Memories ❤️

  248. My favorite flower is the Dahlia. I love how full and robust they are. Color doesn’t matter I love them all

  249. My favorite summer flower is the sunflower. Hardy, showy, and offering tasty seeds – now if only they could smell like a peony. Sigh

  250. My favorite summer flowers are lupine, especially those that bloom in the fields in Maine in the very early days of summer. They might make wonderful stamp designs.

  251. My favorite summer flower is lily of the valley. I have fond memories of it growing along the side of my childhood home many years ago!


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