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A “Tail” of Two Kitties

IMG_1941-001Boris was as little nervous about leaving of his pet carrier when he first arrived at our home.

With all the challenges of My Stampin Studio right now, a wonderful diversion occurred this past weekend.   After my Isabel (my beloved little pug) died last August, I didn’t think another fur baby would ever fit into the family.  However, about a month ago my family started to give me a nudge to consider adopting another cat to be a buddy to Sasha (a dear kitty we adopted 3 years ago).


After looking at adult cats for several weeks and waiting for the remodeling noise to die down in our home, we brought home “Boris,” another Russian Blue (likely a mix) this weekend from the local shelter.  He’s been cooped up since Janauary with little positive human interaction.  However, in spite of being understandably shy, he has slowly begun to trust and emerge as an amazing cat.  My husband, Scott, is coaxing him out of his cage in the photo above.


Boris gets more comfortable each day.  My husband, a die hard cat lover, is showing him around his new space (Caroline’s room) shortly after he came out of his cat carrier.  Not only has he emerged as a lovable boy, he is playing, eating and hanging out on my daughter Caroline’s bed.  Thankfully, my daughter is home from college this week to offer 24/7 love and encouragement.  The next big step is to introduce him slowly to Sasha (also known as the “princess” of the Fish household).  She is so curious about what’s happening in Caroline’s room.  Her paw often shows up under the closed door where Boris is getting used to his new digs, just to remind us that she’s on the other side and needs plenty of love as well.  Trust me.  She gets an abundance of love.

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN MY STAMPIN’ STUDIO?   We are making progress in My Stampin’ Studio as well this week.  The lighting challenges have been resolved and I’m hoping we can get new, brighter light installed this weekend or early next week.   MaryRedTulipNEW STAMPIN’ UP! PHOTOPOLYMER STAMPS.   Stampin’ Up! has released another of their fabulous photopolymer (clear) stamps sets.  Great cling, great images and great fun.  Click on the image below for information on the new Sweetie Pie stamp set.  See ALL Stampin’ Up! photopolymer stamp sets.


NEW WEEKLY DEALS START TODAY!  March 11 – 17 ONLY!  Check out the latest batch of Stampin’ Up! Weekly Deals.

1959827_10202715680807285_1273907251_nPaper Hugs...Mary

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45 thoughts on “A “Tail” of Two Kitties”

  1. Thank you for the kind words, Mary. I think some people, think I am crazy, but I said only a true pet owner knows the loss I am going through. I still have my other cat Kiddle at home, we’ve had him 10 1/2 years and he is from Okinawa too, I would definitely need to find a furry friend who does well with other kitties. Kiddle is pretty tolerant though 🙂 I think he’s already lonely, Salem kept him on his toes. Best wishes with your kitties and your new stamping studio, can’t wait to see the 100% final touches.

  2. Dear Mary, Boris reminds me so much of our “Smudge”, whom we had for 13 precious years and she was she sweetest, most affectionate cat we’ve had. They’re all
    unique, each one with its own special personality. Congratulations and enjoy!

  3. Happy Friday Mary, what a wonderful give away . My favorite flower is a daisy. Gerber or regular. Here in VA we are still in the cold so we are certainly looking forward to some spring to come soon and when it does the cherry blossoms are magnificent.

  4. I absolutely love, love, LOVE sunflowers! They always seem to be smiling and make me smile.

  5. I love Tulips and can’t wait to see them pop with their beautiful color. I am so looking forward to the warmer days, beautiful flowers and NO SNOW!!!! Thanks for your blog and your give-aways. I hope to win one of them some day 🙂

  6. Thank you, Mary, for this opportunity. Your “give-aways” are fabulous. Nothing says Spring better than Daffodils and Tulips in our area. We are looking forward to warmer days and I’m looking forward to your beautiful card designs in your wonderful new studio. Let the fun begin!

  7. The Hibiscus in Florida are beautiful! But the flowers on all of your cards beat them! Thanks for being an animal lover. We have 3 shelter cats and 2 shelter dogs! Our cat Boo is a Russian Blue mix! Just got the one shelter dog a week ago and everyone is getting along! WooHoo!

  8. Hi Mary – my grandma had a Russian Blue cat when I was a little girl – his name was Kitty Blue – the sweetest cat – so lovable – he always slept with me when I would visit my grandma – he was a rescue cat from the vet – he was about 2 years old when she got him and had him for about 15 years – that is old for a cat.

  9. My heart went out to you with the loss of darling little Isabel. Thankfully love has a limitless capacity. Our pets give back so much more than the care we give them…and you are so blessed to have a husband who appreciates kitties. Not all men do, only the very, very special ones.

  10. Congratulations on your new fur baby! My hubby and I volunteer for a local animal rescue in the Dallas area. Thank you so much for adopting an adult kitty! I’m sure Boris and Sasha will be getting along well in no time and will soon be “helping” you in your beautiful new Stampin’ Up Studio.

  11. We had a Russian Blue mix, Grady, that we loved dearly. She had to be put down many years ago at almost 17 years old. A year and a half later, we adopted two brother & sister kitties….Benny and Bonnie (almost named them George and Gracie). Benny and Bonnie will be 17 years old April 17th, and we love them so much. Having cats in “twos” is better than watching TV. The interaction is so much fun to see. Best wishes with your new addition, Mary!

  12. great suggestion, jill. we have been allowing them to cross paths without seeing each other. removing one from a room and letting the other in to sniff around and vice versa. much of this happens naturally by holding them and exposing them to each others scents on our clothes. if they dont do well, ill give the towel idea a go!

  13. Mary, I’ve had lots of cat ‘introductions’ to make over the years. There is one trick that has never failed me. If Boris and Sasha have favorite sleeping spots, place towels on their spots. Then let them use the towels for a while (don’t wash them). A couple days before you plan to make the face to face introduction, switch the towels, giving Boris Sasha’s and Sasha Boris’. Sometimes I’ve switched the towels back and forth between the two, so they have both kitty’s smell on them. This way each have experienced the smell of the other kitty without the stress of a face to face. So when the time comes to have the face to face introduction, they know the ‘smell’ of the strange kitty and are more comfortable.
    Hope all goes well with the introductions and thanks for rescuing Boris!

  14. Im so sorry to hear about your Salem, Candy. I hope you and your family heal quickly (youll always miss Salem–thats OK) and can provide a loving home to another adopted cat.

  15. just got the go ahead from the vet to let them officially meet. we have been doing things gradually. wish me luck. per the vet Boris is healthy and just over 9 lbs. (and growing). He was picked up by the shelter in Jan. at just UNDER 5 lbs.

  16. Ooo, MsMary Boris is soo cute , he’s going to be happy , I know your going to a good mommy,
    Post pic ,
    Congrats on your new baby ,
    Hugs Frenchie

  17. I applaud you for adopting Boris!! 🙂 Both of my cats are rescue cats. My Manx, Sweet Pea, was about 7 mo’s old at the time and is now 8 yrs old. Mr. King was rescued last summer at about 7 mo’s old as well. I give them lots of love and attention and they give me so much love and pleasure in return! I hope Sasha loves her new brother once they are introduced! Sweet Pea just tolerates Mr. King! LOL!

  18. Thank you for adopting your new friend from a shelter. Too many people don’t realize what wonderful animals are there just waiting for a home. I have several shelter and stray kitties (don’t ask how many) and each one is different than the others. Enjoy and keep stamping I look at your blog every day!

  19. So glad you were able to adopt a new fur friend. I myself am grieving the loss of my beloved fur baby, Salem. He was maliciously killed Sunday by a pit bull that came into our yard. It was like watching a horror film. We managed to get him finally from the dog, but I knew it was too late. He passed away in my arms a few minutes later. It has been so hard these past few days. He would’ve been 9 years old on Saturday. He was a loving, social, snuggle bug who slept next to me like a stuffed animal. He was all black with green eyes and from Okinawa, Japan. He will be missed, hoping my heart will heal from the horror I watched. May his little soul rest in peace. I know I am not ready, but I did go to PetSmart yesterday with my special needs son and we saw an all black cat up for adoption, I tried my hardest not to cry, but I kept tearing up. My 2 youngers sons, have taken it ok. I think they are too young to know what is really going on. They just know that I am sad and miss my cat. Feel like I lost a family member. Anyway, I love reading your blog. Best of luck with your beautiful new fur addition! HUGS! 🙂

  20. Hi Mike! I wanted two Russian names (for the Russian Blue breed). I loved Boris and Natasha (Bullwinkle fame). However, I felt Sasha would go through an identity crisis. She remains Sasha!

  21. I wish there were more people like you that adopt animals and give them loving furrever homes. I work with Anthem Pets which is a non profit organization and we are thankful for people like you. There are so many beautiful cats and dogs just looking for a family to love. You inspire us with your beautiful designs and give homeless pets a wonderful future. Thanks for all you do.

  22. YIPPIEEE and HAPPY MEOW MEOW to the Fish Household for the addition of sweet sweet Boris. Can’t wait to hear how Sasha is doing with the new addition. Congrats Mary!

  23. Congrats on your new fur ball! After no pets for about fifteen years, my husband gave me two of the best cats ever, brother and sister, after our cat allergic son graduated from college and moved to his own place. The only thing better than one cat is two cats!

  24. I am a cat lover as well. Great job getting another furr-ever friend from a shelter!! He is a beauty!

  25. Oh, those little paws under the door get me every time! I just imagine it and I’m smiling. So sweet! I am missing my Katie Girl much more since our Jasmine died last year something terrible and have made plans to go to the dog show in Austin April 12 and 13 to talk to breeders. It’s time. I can’t imagine a home without pets (yes, multiples!)

  26. After having his cat, Yip, put to sleep a year ago December, our good friend Buck got two kittens for Christmas, a sister and brother, from the animal shelter. Coincidentally, he has named his two additions Boris and Natasha! Our Tylher and Binx were very curious about the two new visitors to our Cabin Christmas Day!

  27. Hi Karren: Its hard not to want every one of those kitties at the shelters and rescues. However, I believe its worth taking it slowly and finding the right fit for your new family member (maybe you need a paired couple)? I feel we won the lottery with Boris. Hoping he and ultimately Sasha feel the same! Hugs, M

  28. Hi Nancy: Caroline has been home since we moved. However, this is the first time she came home to a CLEAN house without all the drywall dust and chaos. Hoping to start getting some art up and taking it the next step today! Hugs, M

  29. Awwww, what a lucky kitty to join such a wonderful family. Congrats on your new fur baby!

  30. We lost both of our cats two years ago months apart and I haven’t taken the plunge again yet, but I’m getting closer. I love all animals and cats are such loving companions. Oh, and I love that polymer set! I swear I see all four of my grand-daughters in those faces. Have a fun weekend, Mary!

  31. Hi Mary, being an animal lover too, I’m so happy for you getting Boris. I am sure he and Sasha will be fast friends, and find a cozy spot to keep you company in your studio. Enjoy Hannah’s visit. Is this her first time “living” in the new house? Have a great day. 🙂

  32. Well Mary, Boris is one handsome kitty and a lucky one as well, soon he will feel totally comfortable in his new home. Now, it might take a bit of time for your Princess Sasha to accept the new comer but in time, it will happen.
    Enjoy your other little princess’s visit.

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