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Who’s That Girl?

The latest issue of Stampin' Success, Stampin' Up!'s demonstrator magazine, was released on-line today.  I'm incredibly excited to share that I was featured this month.  Four summer projects (never featured on my blog–very hush hush until now) are highlighted with the article and photos below. 


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2009 Stampin? Up!


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94 thoughts on “Who’s That Girl?”

  1. Oh WOW Mary, this is Fantastic, Congratulations. I agree with all the other comments in here, your work is just beautiful, thanks for sharing with us.
    Leonie Newman ( Kiama N.S.W. Australia)

  2. Congratulations! I read your post earlier but didn’t posted a comment – don’t know why.
    I must say you are a stunning demonstrator. Very humble and artistic.
    Even though I only log on to your blog everyday, I can truly feel your genuine character ‘virtually’.
    Love to meet you in person at convention! 🙂

  3. Congrats! You are very humble… you deserved a spot in the magazine and I’m honored that you share your ideas with everyone! I admire your work!

  4. Mary- I am a “lurker” but a fan-I saw that article and thought- I know that girl!!
    Congratulations-you surely deserve the honor and the attention-Sue Burton

  5. Congratulations Mary! You are an inspiration to me! I look forward to your daily blog and your creativity is so awesome. Keep up the fantastic work. You really deserve all of the recognition you are getting. I can’t wait to get my SS delivered soon. Trisha

  6. Congrats Mary!!!! You deserve it. I had to sign on and read the article ahead of time. I usually don’t, because I love getting my hard copy in the mail, so I wait until after it gets there to check stuff out online, but this was worth it. It was so nice to see those of you that I visit each day get the recognition you deserve. Keep up the good work!! Amy

  7. Congrats Mary! I feel like I know you through your blog and I am just so excited and happy for you! Thanks for all your inspiration 😉

  8. Mary,
    You are the BOMB! Congrats on this great tribute to your artistry. You inspire me every day you post. I can’t wait to “talk you up” in my next meeting. Congrats and thank you! lorijane

  9. Terrific article! I’m new to your blog, but love your work! congratulations!

  10. It was great seeing you and your talent in the July SS. I haven’t been receiving your blog updates and I just tried to re-subscribe, and it says I already am. Can you help me with this? Thanks for your help and your inspiration.

    Hi Wendie:

    Thanks for your kind sentiments 🙂

    Regarding the updates–This sometimes happens with Feedblitz and Feedburner (I use Feedburner). I just checked and your email is listed as an active subscription. Have you checked your spam box? Or it’s possible that you need to put [email protected] on your email allowed list. A spam filter is the mostly likely culprit since the subscription seems in order.

    If the suggestions above don’t work, let me know. I’ll delete you and you can resubscribe!.


  11. This is wonderful. I think you need a reality show. Keep on doing what you do because you do it so, so well!

  12. Mary, “CONGRATS”,,,,woo…hooo…!
    How exciting for you! Now more people to inspire with all your “oh so pretty cards”!
    hugs, Gina

  13. Congrats, Mary! You deserve this and more! We love your work, keep it up!! You’ve got talent, let it shine! Hugs, Monica

  14. What a fantastic honor, Mary! This is great for you, and it is obvious that your hard work has really paid off!

  15. Mary!! What a wondrful article about you!
    You are so talented and I look forward to your blog updates. I’ve learned so much from you. Thanks for sharing so many of your great ideas.
    Jane Giggy

  16. Hooray!!! I’m so glad to see you made the cut… one of the main reasons I became a SU demo was after seeing your fresh & simple designs…love them!!!! Keep up the good work..
    Cheers Sue M

  17. Congrats! It is definitely well deserved, your work never fails to impress! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  18. Congratulations and very well deserved, Mary! You’ve been an inspiration to me as a fellow demo and I love viewing your works of art! Next year Artisan Award winner?

  19. Congratulations Mary!!

    Well deserved kudos with SU! and here on your blog.

    Thanks for always helping and sharing 🙂

  20. Wow..that is awesome! Congrats. Your work is amazing. I love your blog and appreciate that you share your work. I check your blog often…it is saved #1 under my favorites. :}
    Thanks again.

  21. Congratulations!!!!!! That is so awesome!! I enjoy checking your blog everyday and am super glad you’re receiving the recognition you deserve!

  22. Thank you for all creativity you bring me. I always know where to click for some inspiration. And thanks to you, I found Mojo Monday–another source of inspiration.

    Congratulations on your well deserved success and recognition.

  23. ROCK ON!!! Totally Awesome. Your Talent, hard work and love you put into your cards and the site are finally being rewarded. We always knew you were the best. Now the rest of the Stamping Up community knows. Congratulations to our inspiration. Hugs and love to you.

  24. Mary, Congratulations, if anyone deserves this You do. You are by far my favorite blog to read. I look forward to see what creative item you have come up with. See you on the internet.

    Linda H
    Sacramento, CA

  25. Your incredible talent, the time devoted and organization had no where to go but up. You truly inspire me (well, all of us) to move ahead not only with creations but with the business side too. Thank you Mary for your constant (and consistent) creations, your time you devote and wonderful ideas. Congratulations!

  26. WooHOO! I know someone Famous Now! And she is published!! Congrats to you Mary, you are an awesome person. You have worked hard for this and you now are blessed for your work.

  27. WOW Mary!!! Now others will know how awesome you are, which we already knew. Tell dh you deserve a dinner out for this. 😉

  28. Now the whole Stampin’ Up! world will know what we’ve known for a long time…how much you TOTALLY ROCK! Congrats, Mary!


  29. Mary – All your hard work, wonderful creations, and devotion could not have been recognized in a better way. A big hug, and a CONGRATULATIONS to you. Like I’ve said before, you are an inspiration and your projects have given me a push to try and create more. Thank you for all you do!

  30. That’s so cool, Mary! I’ve been wondering how long it would take, lol…your blog is certainly at the TOP of the list of “the greats.” Good for you! Betsy

  31. Wonderful, Mary! And so deserving – we can’t thank you enough for sharing all you create!

  32. So well deserved Mary. Great article and your projects are gorgeous as always! Thanks for your devotion and your inspiration! Hugs 🙂

  33. Congrats Mary! Recognition couldn’t have happened to a more wonderful person! Outstanding color selection and projects. Thanks for always being here for us .. rain or shine. Glad I have you in my virtual life. Cheers!

  34. Congratulations! The featured projects are gorgeous! I can’t wait to get my hard copy of SS in the mail.

  35. I’m so glad that they featured you and your creative art. I love your cards.

    Ter 🙂

  36. Kudos on this special recognition!

    Love your blue & yellow creations, very pretty. Reminded me of my wedding, almost 28 years ago! 🙂

  37. A huge congratulations. They couldn’t have selected a more talented and classy lady. Yeah for Wisconsin! 🙂

  38. You ROCK!!! This honor is well deserved! Thank you for inspiring everyone with your FANTASTIC creations! You are who I turn to 1st every day!! Thank you so much!

  39. I was impressed that you spend 40-50 hours a week creating and updating your blog. That is a lot of time, but well spent. Keep up the good work.

  40. oh my word! how exciting! our very own, Mary Fish is famous! i hope to meet you at convention this year, Mary!

  41. Congratulations Mary! The first time I ever saw your cards I knew you had style and grace. Congratulations on being the person you were designed to be. You inspire us all.

  42. And you thought you signed up with SU! to be a hobby demo!!!! There’s a quote by Steve Martin that comes to mind here:
    “I want to be a shooting star! I want to leave a trail of light so BRIGHT that even after people shut their eyes it still burns.”
    You are BLAZING Mary! The article and honor is so well deserved! And it couldn’t have happened to a nicer person! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU! {{{big hugs}}}

  43. I am so proud to be part of the “pals” and your stampin’ friend! You have done so well, worked so hard, and deserve every sweet bit of this recognition!

  44. Congratulations. You are an inspiration to many of us. I enjoy your blog daily and use many of your “Tips”.

  45. Congratulations Mary I am not surprised your blog is authentic and an inspiration to many !

  46. Oh Mary, I’ve not known you very long, but I do know this is so well deserved. I am so happy for you. I signed up with you, 1st because of your creations and 2nd because of your online blog for the pals. Your a true inspiration for me. Reading your article made me relax and breathe, I can get it all done. *smile* and hugs, Carla

  47. Very proud of you Mary and you deserve it so very much. You are such a talent and any of us that do cards or scrapbook now its not all that easy.Congratulations….patm

  48. Woo hoo! Nice to see that SU knows a winner when they have one. Great article–congratulations. Way to go!

  49. Congratulations, Mary!!! The article is fantastic and very well-written. I’m honored to be one of the friendships you’ve developed through your blog. Your blog always provides me with inspiration every time I read it. If only inspiration would turn into actual tangible results with cards, life would be gravy! 🙂 Hopefully when things calm down here, I can devote more time to cardmaking and not have my mind going ten different ways which is probably part of my problem. LOL

    Again, congratulations on being the featured demo for SU! I’m extremely thrilled for you!

  50. Mary, I was once featured in a nationwide newsletter before and I know the joy you’re having in your heart right now…now you’ve gotta start working on your own magazine! You’d make a great one… I’m so proud of you and I want to thank you for all you have taught us.. God has truly blessed you!Congratulations on your article..it was so neat!

  51. yaaaaaaaaaaay for you!!! one of my most favorite bloggers and card makers. i actually forgot to look online yesterday for the SS magazine. way to go and WELL deserved!!!
    cyber hugs, jo ann.

  52. yaaaaaaaaaaay for you!!! one of my most favorite bloggers and card makers. i actually forgot to look online yesterday for the SS magazine. way to go and WELL deserved!!!
    cyber hugs, jo ann.

  53. Great Article Mary.. your work is fabulous.. you should be featured.. Thank you for the inspiration>

  54. Wow Mary, that’s fantastic! Congratulations, how wonderful for you. And wow you got a performance bonus this quarter – that’s impressive! Thanks for telling us how long it takes to create your fabulous designs – I was wondering why it takes me so long when you seem to churn them out with ease!

    Love your work, I come to visit your blog almost every day. Thanks!

  55. No surprise to me that you’ve achieved this recognition…it’s so very well deserved. Your style is fresh and I love all the new ideas I see from you, whether it’s color combos or uses of embellishments in new ways. Big, big congratulations!!!!!


  56. Congratulations 🙂
    I love your blog and your work is just awesome. I am a daily visitor!!

  57. Way to go Mary! I love your blog and have been following it for more than a year. Your cards are great and I look forward to checking out stampin pretty everyday for something new. Keep up the good work!1

  58. I am so happy for you and am just glad I found your blog not too long ago! You are an inspiration and I know you will have even more success in the future. Thank you for the hours you put into your business to make everything perfectly wonderful! I only wish I could be one of your “Pals” alas, I signed up under someone else!

  59. Congrats Mary!! You totally deserve it… you work hard at your awesome projects and now your effort is rewarded…

  60. Wow, congratulations Mary! How exciting! I’m going to log in and read it now! Woo hoo!

  61. And some fabulous projects, might I add! I am totally in love with that butterfly card and the colors you put together. You have such a modern and fresh approach to our products 🙂


  62. AWEsome Mary! You work very hard and your hard work pays off! I can say, “I know her!” Yay for you!!! TOOT!

  63. Huge Congratulations Mary!! I just love checking out your blog every day! I love the card in the feature!

  64. Congrats, Mary! If anyone deserves a feature like this, it’s YOU.

  65. I was so excited for you when I read the article! I am glad you were recognized for your fab talent.
    You are my stampin Hero!
    Way to go with your online sales!

    your stampin’ sister, Cecilia

  66. Mary! I am so excited for you! You really deserve the recognition for your professionalism, attention to detain and over all wonderfulness! I love your featured projects! Thanks for all the wonderful things you share!
    With greatest admiration,
    Jennifer Engle

  67. Congrats! I’m not surprised you are in there, you create some fabulous cards, and I really love this color combo!

  68. congrats friend! i’m so excited to see it irl!! i’m finally coming free of all the boxes…and am making my way to the land of the stamping once again! congrats again!!xoxox

  69. Hi Mary, congrats on being the star! I love your blog and follow it daily. I love everything that you create. Have a great day!
    Lisa D.

  70. YaHoo! for YOU! GREAT article Mary. You are such an amazing inspiration. Thank You.

  71. Congrats, Mary. LOVE the projects … the color combo is to die for.

    Just sent you a little treat via email. 🙂

  72. What a fantastic honor. Congratulations. Your work is awesome. It was only a matter of time ’till it was recognized!!

  73. Congratulations! You deserve all the recognition for all the hard work that you have done. You have an inspirational work ethic. I only wish I could be as focused and goal oriented as you. amazing!

  74. wow!! Congratulations!!! You have a marvelous blog and are very talented!! Each day I look forward to checking out your latest creations!! 🙂

  75. congratulations mary, what a great spread!! your work is beautiful and very inspirational, enjoy this honor.

  76. I Love this!! I saw this today and thought – WOOP WOOP Mary!! You are so great at what you do. Truly! Congrats on the feature!

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